Wednesday, June 16, 2021

6/16/21 Bag O' Nuts?

     We went to Berdoll Farms this past weekend to buy some sweet pecans because they are relatively low in carbs and the chocolate ones are delicious.  I mentioned it to my folks at some point and my dad, who usually doesn't pay much attention perked up and yelled for me to buy him a bag of pecans.  It is not as easy as it used to be with Wife no longer going down there every week, but I did like the idea of buying a big ole bag, I like how they package them in the same type of bags one would put potatoes or onions.  I wasn't sure what size to get, the sacks come in 5 pounds, 10 pounds, 20 pounds and maybe 30 pounds.  They get pricey pretty quick, for a snack.  Still, I liked the idea for dad, he likes to sit at the table and fidget with stuff, sitting there cracking nuts is a good activity and the reward is not a sugary mess, but a healthy nut.  This was on Friday and we walked out with 4 one pound bags of the chocolate, cinnamon, and white yogurt variety and a little pricey, each bag was $17.99, except for one of the chocolate bags which was on sale for $5 because it was from the melted mess table.  After we got in the car, I thought I should have just bought all the $5 bags, who cares if they are a little melted.  We ate most of that bag before we got back to Austin, the store is outside of Bastrop.

    The lady was nice enough to give us a booklet which can be used to order pecans later.  It had an online address which I went and checked out the store.  Just as I thought, one can order and have them delivered pretty much anywhere in the US.  I decided on the 10 pound bag since that one was $63.00 and that is about the price of a shirt we would normally get him for Father's Day.  The last thing was to choose between Pawnee or Choctaw pecans, I didn't even know there were different kinds of pecans, and I looked on Amazon and there are even more varieties, but I won't get into that.  I did choose the ones from Berdoll because they are local and the ones on Amazon were from Georgia.  Along with the price, I also had to pay $17.00 for delivery by mail, but I thought he would love getting a big surprise package during the week.

   He called me yesterday (Tuesday) that they had arrived and he said he tried a couple and they were delicious.  He said it was a big ole sack, so he seemed happy about it, saying he would be enjoying it for awhile.  I liked that idea a lot because it gets old giving him the same gift every year, a shirt or two for Christmas and Father's Day.  I just hope they last him a while, my people are all munchers and that bag might be gone in a day or two.  

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