Monday, September 30, 2019

9/30/19 HEPA FIlters, Cleaner Air Or BS?

    I've never bought into the hype of needing cleaner air or cleaner water, or whatever nonsense.  If my government tells me the water coming out of the faucet is good enough to drink, even if it will light on fire, well, God bless them.  Recently, though, Wife has had a cough and been whiny like never before.  Shoot, anyone that knows her, knows she is built like a freaking bull and never goes down or gets sick.  The woman goes harder than anyone I know.  This weekend we came to the conclusion that she probably walks around with a higher testosterone count than me and is why she tends to be more aggressive than me in day to day situations.  I swear I am more patient and understanding with my boys than she is, so she jokes (ha ha?) that is why I am such a good mother.
    Saying all that, she has now been sick for like 3-4 weeks and I don't know where she got it from, but she started thinking that it might be the dog living in our house.  Girlie moved in a few months ago and after thinking about it for a few weeks, I caved and let them bring their dog with them.  I have not been a fan of having dogs in my house based on the experiences of my mom's dogs.  I love having my folks here, but every time they come, their dog treats my house like a toilet and poops all over.  I would be upset if the carpets were new, but at this point the house is going on twelve years and it really is time for new floors.  Using this thought process and knowing that starting next year I want to start replacing the floors in the house, I figured why not let another dog in the house, worst case, he shits here and there once in a while.  Fortunately, this is an awesome dog in that it is trained not to go in the house.  I did not expect such a big dog, it's a husky and it really is almost intimidating looking, but it is such a loving dog that you forget that.  It rarely barks and really just always wants to be petted all the time.
    All this to say that physically, the dog does not end up bothering me like I thought it might.  Wife is not as understanding, but then again she has woman superpowers and she says she can smell the dog, see the dog's hair, feel the dog's sadness (we don't think he gets enough attention from its owner), and now claims that the dog dander might be making her sick.  I told her BS because you are in mom's house during the week and their dog is there all the time inside the house.  You had not gotten sick before, but I guess things can change.
    Earlier tonight, I got bored and went to Lowe's, for nothing in particular, and bought a HEPA filter to put next to the bed for her sleeping comfort.  I am hoping it keeps her from coughing and hacking all night and thus, get a good night's sleep to make her strong again.  I got it home and turned it on next to us by the kitchen table.  It gives the air a little bit of a smell, almost like outside after a light rain, I like the smell.  It is too soon to tell if it makes a difference although Boy was sitting there with Sweetie (I started saying it sarcastically because he always calls her that, but it is starting to stick) saying "mmm, I can tell the air is cleaner, both my nostrils are working, to which she just responded, no, it's just in your head."  I don't know what I will think about it in a few weeks, but I do know that I am using more expensive filters in our A/C, used to be I would buy the cheapest filters, now I am buying the ones that block everything but radio frequencies, the description and abilities of the filters gets a little comical, but maybe.  The dog and them are out of here in two more months, so I guess we shall see.

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