Wednesday, September 4, 2019

9/4/19 Out Of Control Society?

    I don't understand why people come at me like I am a Democrat that supports this soft new liberal stance on everything.  I was sitting there getting there a cup of coffee and Energy Drink comes in telling me that taking guns away from people is the wrong thing.  I said I agree, at this point we would leave the bad people armed and the good people walking around waiting to be victimized.  I think at this point we need a large part of the population to take up arms and show them, cowboy style.
    These school shooters are fucking cowards who feel they have been wronged because little Slutty Sally wouldn't play with their penis or Johnny Knucklehead wasn't nice to him and he is going to make it right by killing some innocents.  There have been just too many school shootings that I don't think it is going to stop on its own.  If all the teachers (read it as the strong ones capable of handling a gun) carry some sort of defense might make the coward think that he might not even get to make a statement as a teacher might stop him before his plan unfolds.  This is too radical, I don't think this will happen for another twenty years, for me it helps that my son is in a school where there is already enough daily trouble that there is a police force on site.  This was kept on the downlow, but they had a lockdown the first week as a person was seen walking with a gun towards campus.  It turns out it was stupid person walking with a toy gun.  Why?  He should have gotten tazed for being that much of an idiot.
    I find it a little funny that for all of the hate that the ignorant right comes up against the bad hombres, colored people, or middle easterners, when you get down to it, the people causing this domestic terrorism outside of the school environments and that is what it is, it is the same old dude,  Mr. Angry White Dude.  I think it is the same person doing his shit at a younger age, but rarely are these killers Hispanic, Black, or from other countries.  It's just homegrown dudes who never figured out how to talk to women, people that know just a little too much and thus think they can solve problems with some bullets.  Mr. Energy Drink didn't like my idea of arming everyone, so then what?  Keep waiting for them to get tired of shooting up public venues.  

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