Sunday, September 22, 2019

9/22/19 Longhorns Finally Beat The Other Okies At Home?

    It had been awhile, but the Horns finally beat Oklahoma State at home, after five consecutive losses.  I was kind of excited to watch this game, after all, I am injured and supposed to be spending time on my butt with my leg up.  The only problem with that is that I got up at 10:00am, after being up until 6:00am, so my sleep was already messed up.  Still, I made a day of it.  Javalina had about 3 boys over for a sleepover and by the time I woke, he had taken them for a run around the neighborhood and then he was showing them his routine for lifting weights.  None of the other three boys has lifted any weights, so they were mostly joking around and staying with like the 10 pound weights and the barbell, which added up to about 65 pounds.  I kind of think of Javalina as a lazy little shitter that could be a lot more motivated and lifting more seriously, but next to these boys, he is a contender, already lifting 100 pounds more than any of them.
    While they were goofing around, I did keep an eye on them, making sure they wouldn't do something stupid and hurt themselves, I offered them pancakes, which they devoured everything I made.  I like making pancakes now and then, it makes me feel pretty good to be able to make a breakfast for my peeps that they enjoy.  We didn't have bacon or sausage, but I used bolognas heated up on a pan, which we used to eat now and then growing up.  Wife came down about this time, maybe it was noon, and she chose to eat a bowl of soup since she is just starting to get over the cold she had last week.
After eating, I showered and she re-wrapped my leg.  I am not sure if it is going to shoot blood anymore, but I have been laying on the ground, to put my heart and overall body below the leg, which I elevate on the edge of the tub, and then when she takes the wrap off the leg, there is no downward pressure from my body, so I haven't bled like a faucet the last two days.  We then went to the HEB to get some food for the game.  I was hoping if I took a nap before game time, I would be fine and awake, but that is never enough.  We got back from the store, and I headed to the guestroom downstairs and laid down for about an hour to nap.  I got up at 6:00pm, Wife had already started the cheese and meat for the nachos, which was awesome.  I sat and looked for the game, closed all the curtains and got ready for the game.  I made it through the first quarter, the Horns were playing well, the other team scored a field goal, Texas came back after making an interception and scored a touchdown, and then I sort of faded.  I saw them make it into the half, muffing a kickoff and giving Oklahoma a chance to make it almost a tie.  I guess the halftime show put me out, I remember nothing after the 2nd quarter, when I woke, the news was on and I was alone downstairs, so I just re-winded the cable box and re-watched the last few minutes of the game.  It is great to see the Longhorns competing again on the big stage again.  I did fall asleep, but I also enjoyed all the gameday hype.

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