Monday, September 9, 2019

9/9/19 What To Do With A Sick Kid?

    I had fallen asleep early, like at 10:30pm when wife went to bed on Sunday, thinking there was nothing going on except for a load in the dryer which I could get if I wanted to avoid wrinkled clothes or just leave it.  I got up thinking at was much later, but it was only 1:00am, still I went down to fold the clothes and check that everything was locked down and the boys asleep.  Surprisingly, the boys were asleep and the house was as quiet as it gets.  My only other thought being that it was still warm-ish upstairs.  Because of the 100 plus degree days, the house attic absorbs so much heat that it takes half the night for the temperatures upstairs to work back down to a comfortable 74/75.  77/78 doesn't seem that far off, but it really is a different world, on our thermostat, at least.  The only thing I can do is make sure the temps are set correctly, everyone denies it, but people adjust the thermostat down trying to make it cooler, it doesn't work that way though.  The thermostat downstairs is one of those "intelligent" things, but too often it sets the temperature downstairs to a balmy 78.  It is bad enough upstairs is fighting the attic heat, it doesn't help that the downstairs is also warmer than our sleeping target.
    But anyways, after sitting there for a while, trying to come up with another idea to write, Boy came down and started throwing up in the bathroom.  I asked what was the matter and he said something had done him wrong.  He said he thought it was the pizza rolls we ate from Double Dave's.  I said I didn't think there was anything wrong with them, I ate like 5 of them and they didn't react with me and most everything makes me run to the bathroom afterwards.  I told him to take some Pepto Bismol, which he was already headed for it, but it didn't seem to help.  I sat on the computer not being able to do much other than see him go to the bathroom and run up to bed.  After an hour, he just decided to sit here on the sofa.  After a while I looked through our medicine cabinet for something else and the only other thing I could see that might help was Alka Seltzer which covered the symptoms.  It is now 3:10am, probably about two hours since he started and either the Alka Seltzer has calmed his stomach down or he finally ran out of stuff to throw up.  He says he feels weak and sore from all the heaving and running back and forth.  He has to be empty by now, he says he has been throwing up and pooping diarrhea since he came down at 1:00am or so.  All I can do is sit with him here and listen.  Normally, I would have probably gone to bed by now.  At least I feel better that he is not down here throwing up by himself.  I thought of waking Wife up, but she has such a shitty early drive and there isn't much else she can do that I am not already doing, I am going to just power through this one by myself.  I think at this point he is done, it is just a matter of getting him up to bed and hoping he can get a few hours of sleep before class.

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