Wednesday, September 25, 2019

9/25/19 Was It Keystone Cops?

    Yesterday, was the same as ever.  I picked up Javalina after football practice and we were discussing where to eat, nothing out of the ordinary, he was going on and on, when all of a sudden we could hear definite police siren type sounds, but I swear I couldn't find them.  We were at the intersection of William Cannon and 1st Street, which is the quickest way back home.  We were in the middle lane, and there was a city bus a little ahead of us in the right lane.  I told Javalina to shut up and find the coppers, last thing I want is to block them or hit them accidentally.
    All of a sudden, we heard the slide of tires, a honk and a double crash sound.  It turns out the cops were in the turning lane to turn left from our street (1st), but instead were trying to go straight with their sirens on and the traffic on William Cannon must not have heard or been impressed because not one but two lanes rammed into them.  Over on the William Cannon street, cars were going on the green light, even the middle turning lane was in full effect.  Somehow, the cop car rolled out there, the middle and turning lanes did not see/hear him and both of them ran into the brown "disguised" cop car.  This is really ridiculous, we are at a point where any Crown Victoria on the road is assumed to be a police cruiser, and people who actually choose to drive those cars are "assholes", knowing full well they look like police cars.
    There is no point to this, other than wanting to mention how dumb it seemed.  The cops were trying to hurry through the intersection at 5:30pm, rush hour, and bam!  There happened to be two cops in the car and the one in the passenger seat jumped off and pointed both of the cars that hit them to follow the cop car into the gas station in the corner.  What do you do at that point?  I was inclined to think it was the cops fault, I know they won't see it that way.  I would hate to be in that predicament.  Oh well, it wasn't us and we only lost maybe 20 seconds of our time.

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