Friday, September 20, 2019

9/20/19 He's A Bleeder?

    I ended up staying home Wednesday night, after my big bloody scare and running to the E/R.  The doctor said to take it easy, which I did.  I mostly slept, did a little writing, and watched youtube videos.  I did get up in the morning to take Javalina to school and he had to get there early so he could get his jersey, since it is game day, they wear their jerseys to classes all day.  This signifies to the rest of the school who the warriors are, the ones out here trying to represent them all in the field of battle.
    Today's game was supposed to be in north Austin, which I looked in the map from above and I was pretty sure it was by the school where they had the track and field competition that was rained out last year.  Well, this week finally showed chances of rain in the forecast, but I have yet to see actual rain coming down.  Twice, I have noticed the streets a little wet, but it hasn't rained on me yet.  But anyways, I get up at 3:30pm, Wife called that she was on her way, and I thought that would be a lot better.  My leg seems to have behaved all night, but I still didn't want to be out there alone.  I came down and ate, hoping it would give me the urge to go, I like to be empty when I leave the house, but nothing, so I proceeded to the scary part.  Luckily, Wife was home by then.  I took the bandages off and it looked like a calm little scab, I thought cool, I'll take a quick shower, put some lotion on the leg and wrap it up within a few minutes.  I showered, got out and made sure the towel didn't touch the area, and proceeded to the next step.  Long ago, my doctor suggested to not only towel dry, but to use the hair dryer to really dry the genital area to help with chafing and rashes.  I'm standing there blow drying the boys, Javalina called that the game was cancelled, so I start thinking maybe we can go walk the mall and just as I am going to tell Wife what she thinks of that, she says something like "Babe, look, your bleeding again."  I didn't even feel it but the stream was coming out again.  I grabbed a pad that was on the counter and applied pressure.  
    Since the doctor said just apply pressure and the bleeding will stop, I did.  Bent over, my leg wasn't even on the tub edge this time, I told Wife to get me more pads, which of course, the stuff I bought last night was downstairs, but she managed to find one more and then she gave me a wad of toilet paper.  I lifted one finger at a time and put all this on my leg.  I then told her to grab the wrap they put on me in the E/R and wrap it tight.  This stopped the bleeding immediately, it is 12 hours later and I haven't bled anymore, sitting here writing at 4:20am.  We finally went and picked Javalina at 5:00pm, he was pissed they didn't play and to my knowledge, it didn't even rain, but there were thunderstorms in the area.  We ate Bill Miller and went home.

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