Saturday, September 7, 2019

9/7/19 Parents Visiting And Even Taking A Deep Breath Is Nice?

    My folks came in Thursday early so they could get a chance to see Javalina play football.  I can't say it was a good game to go support as the Crockett boys were totally destroyed by Gonzalez, but they did see that at least Javalina is playing his role well.  He blocks and takes care of business on defense, where he had 2-3 solo tackles and another 2-3 assisted tackles.  The only time I saw them having success running through his side of the ball was when they double teamed him to get him out of the way.  Anyway, I already wrote the game blog yesterday,
    After the game we drove back and picked a pretty bruised up and beaten Javalina.  It was near 9:00pm and he just wanted to eat.  We went to Cheddar's on Boy's recommendation, who joined us after the game as he was stuck at his work, with Sweetie in tow, as he likes to call is GF.  With Wife and my parents, we had a full table to listen to and discuss the game with Javalina instead of just me like in the other games, so that made it nicer.  By the time we got home, it was closer to 10:30pm, we just made sure Javalina was ok, he was complaining of a hit he took near the bottom of his back which left the area sensitive.  He even said it awoke him at 5:00am, but the pain was mostly gone by the afternoon of the next day.
    I kind of wanted my parents to experience a normal day up here where they can slow down and even lay around relaxing.  Friday was a day like that.  I am off from Thursday through Sunday night, Wife took Friday off, so she was here Thursday, and Boy was mostly off, but he did disappear most of the day and came back late at night with what he is referring to a robot hand, which is supposed to be for his burger 'bot project at school.  Javalina had school, which I took him at 8:00am-ish, then stopped for some "pan dulce", horrible for my diabetic dad, but we like to eat it, and he should have better self control.  We kind of waited for him, I didn't even nap all morning, we left the house at noon, and went and ate at La Madelaine, I guess a French type of restaurant, which reminded me of the French section of Epcot world in Disney, which Wife said it was the same eatery.
    After this, which was sandwiches, but they were pretty good, we swung by and picked up Javalina, he had a dentist appointment at 2:30pm.  I decided to stay home and take my nap, I had already spent many hours with him there two weeks ago, it was Wife's turn.  They got back home close to 5:00pm and Wife took a nap until about 6:20pm.  Mom then joined us as Wife wanted to go shopping for some clothes for her.  I went just to get out of the house, but next door was a "man's clothing store."  5.11 sells clothing worn by cops and other super hero types.  They sell those army looking backpacks that Boy loves and even an assortment of knives and ropes and anything else that might make you feel like you deserve a beer somewhere after taking off their gear.  I ended up buying a few shirts for the boys.  I would have changed my whole wardrobe for me, but they stop at 2x and I need like a 4x.  Still, I really did like the stuff they were selling.
    We ended the night by getting some Popeye's Chicken and taking it home.  My dad, always swearing he won't eat after 7:00pm because of his sugar loved the chicken, it was pretty good.  After this, my folks seemed to be done, as was I.  I went up and promptly fell asleep, but did wake up at 11:40pm and came down for a couple more hours.  Wife stayed up a bit but was dead asleep by 11:00pm, as she had to leave the house by 7:00am to be in class all day Saturday.
    I hope my folks are enjoying a slower version of visiting with us.  Usually, it was show up Friday, got to the mall Saturday, eat a nice dinner somewhere and off early on Sunday.  I am supposed to grill for them tonight, Dad and I are watching the Longhorn game, I thought BBQ would be nice.

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