Thursday, September 5, 2019

9/5/19 Meet The Teachers At Crockett?

    I'm not sure which is better about knowing I have to do something.  Last night Wife told me it was teacher night, don't just pick up Javalina, get off and go and meet the teachers.  I was already on my way, I figured there was no saying "goddammit and trying to get out of it."  I just said alright, I'll see what I can do.  Of course, I pick up my boy and he is the same way I usually am.  He just wants to get in the car and go.  After a round of "do you want to call mama and argue with her or do you just want to get over this?", he settled down.
    It was actually nice.  I like the school and how it is laid out.  I imagine in the 70's this was state of the art, but it has really stood the test of time.  The school is kind of closed off to the outside, but it has an open courtyard in the middle with a bunch of trees, so it is all nicely shaded.  The bulk of the school seems to be laid around this square courtyard and wide walking areas that are covered from the sun.  So you are outside, but still inside.  Then the classrooms are in little groups shooting outward from within the courtyard into the inside of the building.  We went into three different legs upstairs to find his different classrooms and all the teachers already seemed to like my son saying he was really well mannered and a pleasure to have in their classroom.  I joked with them that if there is any problem, text Mama, she will straighten him out right away.  They laughed but said there shouldn't be any problems with him, they can tell.  I always like hearing my boys are good people outside of the house.
    We met the biology teacher and I asked her that I was worried because I had heard the religious idiots had gotten to the textbooks and added their thoughts on evolution etc.  She said she doesn't even use textbooks in class and no, not to worry about that, she is teaching science with Darwin and evolution and the big bang.  She was also real excited about football and that Javalina is playing.  She says she has most of the offensive line, and she loves their energy.
    The only weak step in the whole process, if any, was the AVID teacher who was trying to take one family at a time before we got there.  She was spending like ten minutes with the two kids before us, then when it was our turn, the group outside was like 6-7 families, so she just took everybody.  I said Boo, I want to be special too, mostly giving her a hard time.  We got whatever info, but it was weird that she wanted to be so private in the beginning.
    We were there about an hour, then we headed home.  Again, we tried looking for the coaches, I wanted to see the gym where he is lifting weights, see what condition the equipment is in, but no.  I guess special butterflies don't have to participate with the other teachers, no disrespect, but if my boy is going to get bruised and battered for your program, make yourself accessible.

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