Wednesday, July 31, 2019

7/31/19 Javalina Has A Full Plate?

    Yesterday, I finally got around to getting off and talking to one of the band directors about what he thought about us buying our boy a tenor saxophone.  I don't really want to do it if it will only be used during marching season.  I got some unexpected information prior to talking to the music director though.  I was waiting outside and there were a couple of other parents, I said hi tot he crowd and one of the moms asked how is it going.  I instantly went into my little "first world problem" of should I buy my son a new saxophone or put up with the ugly one they had assigned him.  She said "wow, just this morning my husband and I were talking about selling one of our tenor saxophones, maybe you would be interested."  I said "sure, but I need to see it and maybe try it out to make sure it works and sounds good."  She said "no problem".  Javalina came out about this point and he got all nervous because he saw me talking to the parents of the lead saxophone guy.  He thought I was making trouble for him, I don't know why.
    We then talked to the band director and he said that Javalina is getting both a tenor and a bari sax assigned to him.  He will play the bari in concert/symphonic band and maybe jazz band if he is interested.  I got all excited because as much as I liked band, jazz band was way better.  I still want to look at this used saxophone, maybe it could still work as a home saxophone, so he wouldn't have to carry the school horn home to practice.
    When we got in the Excursion (it has been behaving itself), he told me about talking to the coach and he wants him in there in cleats on Thursday to start working out.  The football players start working out at 7:00am until like 11:00am, the band kids go from 8:00am to 4:00pm.  He is going to have to split his time between both while he figures out what to do.  A funny note coming from Mr. I want to be on the varsity team as a freshman, while talking to the coach, one of the upperclassmen walked by him and told him "coming through, Little Man."  He says he could not focus on the coach anymore or talk.  He wanted a helmet and pads so he could go after this clown.  I asked him if he was a big guy, Javalina said "my eyes were probably at his chest, but he wasn't like massive, just really tall.  I had a good long laugh because I have been upset that he basically "wasted" the summer and barely worked out.  It is all on him.
    So school still hasn't started and he has to juggle these two things and he is still only on book 1 and he is supposed to read at least two books from a list over the summer.  He needs to kick it into gear and start getting shit done.

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