Monday, July 29, 2019

7/29/19 Resting Weekend?

    I guess the best way to describe this past weekend was to say it was lazy.  I spent a great deal of it sleeping and dreaming.  Wife was back on Thursday night, which was great, but with her current school load, she is distracted beyond belief.  It seems to be one paper after another.  As soon as she is done with one paper, she mentions she has a day or two before the next paper is due.  We are fixing to go into August and the classes are down to their last two weeks, so as every other test we overcome, it is only for a finite time.
    Still, this weekend she had to be in class on both Friday and Saturday, so we could do nothing but wait around Friday until like 8:00pm and Saturday until around 4:00pm.  My idea was to go have dinner Friday night after she got out, but for some reason, she said the professor had ordered a bunch of food and then she ended up bringing aluminum pans full of lasagna and fettuccini pasta and salads and breadsticks.  We had no choice but to eat this food since there was so much of it.
    I had thought it would have been a good weekend to take Javalina out to 6th Street so he could see some of the crazy Austin night life.  It has been really like 20 years since I've been out there, I am not sure if the idea is still the same or not, but it should have some sort of nighttime activity.  He was commenting just a week or two ago that he liked Austin but it was a little boring as there never seemed to be anything to do.  I told him there's stuff to do all the time, we just don't generally get involved.  That is when I got the idea of going downtown one of these weekends.  Wife beat me with the movie idea, and it was a good one.  Even Boy joined us.  His GF has been working a nightshift recently on the weekends, so he has nothing better to do.  It's nice to have him with us to argue with him a bit.
    We got home after the movie and I fell asleep quickly while Wife was watching some show.  She came to bed, we did the hokey pokey and I slept until a good 6:30am without getting up to go to the bathroom or anything, Big Girl wore me out, I guess.  I then got up Sunday morning to write yesterday's blog and mess around on the computer.  After struggling with the Excursion all week, I am still having serious thoughts about getting a new truck. Wife insists it needs to be an SUV so I can fit my family and everyone those 2-3 times a year people come to visit.  I get what she says, which is why I have held unto the Excursion for so long, but I really want a big truck.
    Sunday night was more laziness, she worked on a paper all afternoon, until we went to eat a burger at Culver's.  Shoot, but the time we were headed back, it was already coming up on 9:30pm.  Wife pretty much showered and went to bed by 10:00pm.  It is about 6:40am and I have been up since 4:30am when she woke to get ready and leave to La Pryor.  This is another long week for me, so it just feels like another long week coming up.  Next week should feel nicer, as it will finally be a short week.  I haven't had one in over a month since I trade them with long weeks when I request a week off.  It's just easier that way, pay wise.

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