Saturday, February 9, 2019

2/9/19 Never A Good Time To Diet?

    It is barely the start of week 2 in February and we have already had three and maybe four big events to shoot the bird at dieting.  First of all, we had my sister in law's birthday party which we went to and we were bombarded with carbs, which we were savvy enough to not pigout, but I did eat some cake.  The next weekend was my nieces quince and again there was a candy bar and still, we managed to dodge that bullet, but I did eat some cake.  Last week was the Super Bowl and we are not big football fans, but we usually watch it and make a big meal out of it.  We managed to grill, but since it was just us, we kept it to mostly meat and really no carbs.
    We are at another event, this weekend is Wife's birthday, Sunday, specifically, but we are going again to my in-law's in San Antonio as they have offered to cook a meal for her, they are even insisting it will be Atkins friendly and not loaded with carbs.  The big problem is that we finally got another cold spell and when the weather craps out, I want to just bundle up and eat sweets and junk.  Last night (Friday), I wanted pizza bad, but we got through the day on my chili, which I made in the afternoon and we ate around 5:00pm.  I had been wanting to make chili, now that I figured out it's easy and I can claim it as one of my meals I make for my people but the carbs on the beans seemed too high.  This week I found a 3 bean combo of black, pinto and red beans that only had 4.0g per serving.  That is good enough for us.  I ended up taking a nap around 6:00pm and didn't wake until 8:00pm, which is fine as I had woken up at 6:00am and spent the day cleaning up all of Boy's posters or artwork as he prefers to call it.  I also started tearing down the pile in the corner over by the pool table.  It turns out there were bins and boxes full of the stuff we had on the walls, such as all my whips and paddles and all of our small photo frames, which I will continue to work on.
    We did unfortunately missed my dad's birthday which would have been another chance to stumble on some cake, and we have Valentine's coming up, which will be in a Thursday I work, so we should skate by that pretty easily.  Wife is scheduled to be in Crystal, so it's not like we are going to make a big deal out of it.
    But all this sacrifice is worth it as in a short 31 days I have gone from 430pounds to now 397 which I checked myself last night.  If I can continue for another two months, I should be where I was before I got my big cut on my leg and at 350pounds, I was as active as anybody I know, plus I have a game plan of keeping up with Javalina and being his tackling dummy, so I got to keep working it.  Plus, if I can get down to the 200's, I might even get the green light to buy one of those tiny sports cars I love so much, I'll even take the new Miata, as long as I can fit.

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