Monday, February 4, 2019

2/4/19 Update On Our Dieting?

    I am happy to report that our dieting efforts are still giving us great results.  As of this morning, I weighed myself and the scale showed 401.6.  We only started on January 8, so it is still not quite a month and I feel these has been a great start.  What I find almost amazing is that Javalina did not want to weight himself in the beginning, the last time we saw his weight at the doctor he was around 257, but last night he finally weighed himself and he is down to 230.  I have lost 28 pounds and he has lost at least 27 pounds.  It makes sense that we are eating almost the same exact meals because we are always together.  I am so glad this Atkins approach works.
    I found myself almost scared, but unwilling to stop eating the way I was, specially through the 2 week holiday I took for Christmas.  Every morning, I would wake up, load a plate with whatever cookies, pies, cake, donuts we had and I would enjoy this by myself.  Then Wife would come downstairs and make breakfast and of course,  I would eat again.  It was a little hard at first to let go of the sweets, it seems I was almost waiting and hoping to be labeled a diabetic before I was willing to cut the sweets out.  By doing it this way, hopefully, I can keep the insulin shots far down the line.  I know I am still 400+, but Javalina is such an inspiring little bulldog, he does not let up.  He even has his own little nicknames for us, Boy has gotten a little thicker now that he is dating, so he calls him "chiquito gordito", he calls me the "duble grande", something about being double his "grande" size.  He does not like to miss working out after school.  Sometimes, we need to do stuff, sometimes I just don't feel up to it, he harasses me until I say fine, let's do a little bit.  Before we know it, we have gone through our routine.  I especially like throwing the 20 pound medicine ball back and forth, it just shakes your insides awake.
    I thought it was going to be way expensive, always buying meat and salads, but since we don't eat out anymore, it kind of replaces itself.  For the two of us, it would normally be $15-$20 to eat anywhere we normally eat, but I can grab two New York Strips for like $12, and add some salad from a giant $4 bag and that is cheaper than Whataburger, maybe not Bill Miller, but we are also not eating everything fried, which has to be a good thing.
    The best thing I have found in all of this, is the sugar free Jello with cool whip.  The jello has no carbs and the whipped topping has like 2g.  Whenever I need a sweet fix, this has worked perfectly.  I would like to get down to at least 350 on the strict Atkins before I try to add in more fruits and maybe a pizza once a month.  We tried the pizzas with cauliflower based bread and I found it to be a little gross although Wife and Javalina thought it was ok.  I really love good crusty pizza though and this did not get crispy.  We cannot go back to the donuts and non-stop sugar loading, I have to show more discipline.
   Javalina started watching the documentary medical show "My 600 Pound Life" or something like that on Hulu and he got me watching it.  If anything, I really don't want to get there.  I am glad we hit the brakes when we did.  Some of these people are bedridden, some can't clean themselves, can't feed themselves.  I feel bad for them, but we all get ourselves into the place we find ourselves, we have nobody to blame.  Here's hoping next time I update, I can say I am no longer a 400 pounder.

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