Monday, February 18, 2019

2/18/19 Weekend Was Typical?

    This was a weekend with no obligations of any type.  We didn't have to go anywhere out of town or do anything too time wasting, such as clean the yard because of our HOA.  Saturday was an eye opener at Land Rover, but it wasn't totally surprising, the elite lifestyle will always elude us and I guess we should be happy with where we are.  After that little bruise of the ego, Wife wanted to go eat and I was fine with that.  First of all, we had gotten up early to go meet the lady who donates the small blankets that Wife passes out to kids at her school.  We meet her about once a quarter and we get maybe 60-70 little blankets.
    Javalina had a sleepover and when we came back around 2:00pm, he still looked like crap.  He stayed up all night, but had slept probably 3-4 hours by the time we came back home.  He was still not rested and his demeanor was not pleasant.  Wife invited Boy and his GF to join us for lunch and they said sure but they had some ideas about going out to dinner at 8:00pm.  Now do the math, if we are leaving the house at 3:00pm to go eat at an Olive Garden or something, how is that tiny belly of both Boy and his 100 pound GF going to have room for another meal 2-3 hours later?  Some things make no sense.
    I got an itch to want to go to woods Fun Center where they sell the Seadoo jetskis, I still really want one.  They still did not have the Fish and Ski model which is what I wanted to see, but I love that store, so many things pop into my head, such as we should buy some land to run around on these dirt bikes and stuff.  The main idea that cropped up was that for the price of the Fish and Ski $14,999, I could basically buy two entry level jetskis at even $7999.  There are cheaper units, but I am a big boy that needs a certain size to float.  We left because Wife got in a hurry to go eat because Boy had a dinner date.  In my head, the minute you decide to ride with us, you are on a date with us.  It pissed me off, because instead of eating a decent meal at Olive Garden or even Cheddar's, we ate at Chick-Fil-A, which I love, but it isn't a real dinner, it is a snack.  We changed our plans for Boy, and of course, they didn't even go out at 8:00pm because they were still full.  My Wife's efforts to please everyone but me, pleased no one, but she would only get mad if I "mansplained" this to her.
    Sunday was much calmer as I said no from the get go.  No Boy, I will not dance to that idiot's schedule, sorry.  We went to Best Buy, Javalina bought two video games with some of his Christmas money.  He got like $350 in Best Buy gift cards, so he could get whatever he wanted.  We had to go to the Best Buy in Bee Caves as they were out of whatever new game he wanted.  Because we were out there, we stumbled on a store which sells stuff for patios made out of teak wood.  Some of the stuff was not for me, with the wood looking old and beat up, but some of the dining tables made out of new tree trunks looked beautiful.  The guy in charge said he was getting a fifteen foot long table made from the trunk of a teak tree.  His 7 foot example was nice enough and at $2200 with two matching benches didn't seem crazily priced.  I bought some cute table pieces just because they were odd, chubby females doing yoga standing about 6-7 inches tall.
    Our final stop was at Dick's Sporting Goods, Javalina has been wanting a weighted vest to wear while jogging and even working out.  He says he wants to be the strongest lineman starting out in August, so he is really pushing the working out.  Grandma sent him $40 for Valentines in a card and I told him let's go half and half, the vest with capacity for 40 pounds was $74.99.  We also got some rubber cables for resistance training and then we ended the day by eating at Cheddar's.  We had to be nice and invite Boy, he joined us with his GF and we had a fine meal which put me out for the night.  We got home by 9:00pm and I was already out in the car.  It was a pretty good weekend, overall.

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