Sunday, February 17, 2019

2/17/19 Land Rover/Jaguar Reminded Us We Ain't Nothing But Brown Trash?

    First of all, I know, we usually stay in our lane, as they say.  I have only ever shopped for Fords, Chrysler/Dodges, and then most recently Wife liked the Kia brands.  We should have known better than to go looking at high end brands because clearly even the salesmen are higher end and they don't deal with brown shit stained Mexicans.  We saw a Land Rover at the mall a few weeks ago and then while looking online at their website I saw that one of their SUVs comes in a convertible form, and we have always loved the idea of convertibles.  Since it is an SUV, we figured it would be a little larger than most tiny convertibles we normally see.  Because of this, I had the curiosity bug in me and then we learned that they sell both Land Rover and Jaguar at the same location.  When Wife was first starting to drive after graduating high school, her dad got ahold of a Beautiful XJR, it was long and a baby blue reminiscent of a shark , just low and sexy and sleek.  I have always thought babe belongs in that type of car.
    Enter reality.  We got off at the dealership and looked around the first few cars and it took a second to realize we were looking at used cars, we were parked next to a Bentley and behind us was a most beautiful blue Jaguar that I couldn't figure the model.  I would have been intimidated except that I had looked at the prices online of what I had in mind and they are in the affordable range, not that we were buying yesterday.  The Land Rovers we were wanting to see were under $60,000 and the Jaguar E-Pace, their newer smaller SUV  starts in the low $50,000s.  I've bought trucks that cost more than that.  After looking at most of the vehicles they had up front I was confused as they were all used, a salesman approached and when I told him what we wanted to see, he pointed down the line at used vehicles and I said "ugh, no.  I want to see the new models unless you only sell used here."  He said he only dealt with used vehicles, but to go inside and we would be helped.  They keep their new inventory in the garage thing, a 2-3 story parking garage to the side of the building.
    Normally, I don't even like dealing with a salesman, specially since we weren't buying, but the cars were in a "facility" and I wasn't sure if we could just walk it without supervision.  We walked inside the showroom floor and it was nice.  They had 2-3 Jags and they were nice, I have always liked the lines on a Jag, they make a good looking car, their reliability is what is usually in question.  The Land Rover is a different animal as it is supposed to be the richer cousin to the Jeep and in my mind, Land Rovers are used in Africa to chase after lions and other manly stuff like that, at least historically in the movies.  Nostalgia aside, we kept walking through the showroom, they had another 4 Land Rovers from expensive to more expensive and it was a ghost town of customers, no one was there except for us and maybe 6-7 employees that we saw at their desks.
    It has been awhile, but we know how this shit works.  We were certainly not going to go beg for attention, you show up and somebody, I don't care if lowest man on the totem pole approaches, someone is supposed to say hello, but after being inside the building and looking at every model inside and out and even the accessories on the walls, we didn't get one "may we help you or we'll get Juan to come and help you fine brown folk."  I felt Wife shut down and all I could ask her was "Have you had enough of this shit?"  She said "yup, time to go."
    I know, the few white coworkers of mine that still read this will say "well, maybe they were busy with customers on the phone."  Come on, even when you go to Best Buy, you will be harassed by a few salesmen.  We can't set foot at any of the motor mile dealerships before we are swarmed by 1-2 salesmen.  I am sure part of the training for BMW as they moved down south on I-35 was to teach them whenever you see brown people, ask them if you can help them, not all brown people are here to clean, some of them are going to be customers, and believe it or not, some will buy new.  They are not all "bad hombres" looking for transport vehicles to fill with drugs and carry them across the border.
    Again, this is another first world problem, my dream vehicle is a loaded F-250, so I lose nothing from yesterday, but my fascination with getting Wife back into a Jag ended yesterday, those salesmen can shove their fancy key fobs up their asses and unlock their cars by farting their rose smelling farts that they probably produce.  Why do salesmen act like their better than the customer?  The fucks are doing that job because they can't do much of anything else.  I wish no ill will on anyone, but it was confusing to me.  We were showered and fairly dressed, I was in my clean Polo warm-ups and a sweater, it was a cool day.  Wife was dressed like she does, we had met up with a lady she works with, so she was more dressed up than normal.  Maybe the Kia Soul identified us as cheap or maybe they  just suck.  As we walked out, the used car salesman was standing there and I told him "well, I guess they did rock, paper, scissors and nobody lost the chance to come and deal with the brown people" as I motioned with my hand the kids game of rock-paper-scissors.  We just kept walking, and I doubt we shall ever go back.

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