Friday, February 8, 2019

2/8/19 Not No More?

    I am so proud of Boy, he handled himself like a champ when many would have run and folded into tears.  We are in a new era and the bullshit won't fly anymore.  This started out earlier in the week when some product they were supposed to ship out was being checked last minute by my son at his company.  It was noted his boss had made changes in a non-standard way that affected how the computers they use to read this and that affects things.  I honestly don't understand half the language he is saying when he talks about "bombs" and top down entries versus manual entries and whatever as it pertains to whatever product they are making, but as a result of the last minute shenanigans of his boss, he had to spend Tuesday and Wednesday inventorying every part going into the new product which was to be sent out for assembly in California or something.
    As things happen, his boss was on vacation for a couple days while this was going on, so my son was trying to clean up his mess for the company's sake.  When he got back, his boss then took to attacking my son for the time he had spent manually checking everything.  He tried to explain that  because he had entered some things manually it confused the program that does things electronically and the only thing to do was check every part manually.  His boss would not accept even the tiniest amount of blame for throwing a wrench into the whole operation, but instead was looking to blame my son, I guess this would be easy because he is still an intern and the boss has been working in the field since the 90's.  My son had already told us that the boss is rather incompetent and that management has already told him he should be looking for employment elsewhere, to which the dingleberry said "nah, I am comfortable here."
    To try and finally win the argument, even if he has to proverbially "throw the baby out with the bathwater." is he told my boy that "since he has dyslexia and a couple of the serial numbers were read incorrectly, maybe this isn't the right field for him, this field requires you to be accurate in a capacity that you cannot."  I'm sorry but I work with long numbers all the time too and I am not dyslexic nor my coworkers and numbers get written down wrong all the time.  You can't spend hours writing down strings of numbers and not have mistakes, it is one of the most mentally exhausting things to do, specially when computers would have done this if your ass had done things right in the first place.  Instead of backing down and feeling shame, my boy went to HR and reported his dumb ass for bringing up his dyslexia, which is a handicap and cannot be used against him.  For those of you that don't get it, it's like telling someone in a wheelchair "you shouldn't work in this office because your wheelchair slows me down."
    Boy was upset last night to the point of not going in to work today (Friday), and that is fine, we all need a break now and then.  This is the same idiot boss that just because he is Hispanic, has assumed that Boy comes from a poor family and the boss is doing wonders for all of us in helping to lift my son up out of poverty.  Excuse me, but Boy has lived a pretty good life with nary a thought about things he doesn't have.  I'm sorry, but dinosaurs aren't good for anything but becoming extinct and this old fuck has got to go and find himself a nice tar pit and go for a swim.

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