Sunday, July 8, 2018

7/8/18 A Nice Afternoon in North Austin?

    Saturday was about a nice a day as we could have.  I got up at 7:00am, finished my blog on Star Wars, got caught up on a couple of YouTube people I follow and then went back to bed around 10:00am.  I then woke up at 1:00pm, and guilted Wife into getting up and going somewhere, anywhere.  I told her I was going to Cabela's and chop chop if she wanted to go.
    Wife convinced me to instead of going to Cabela's, to go north to Bass Pro Shops and then IKEA.  I like those places, so I said sure.  We headed north and it was almost a run to the finish line seeing the super thick clouds coming from further north.  About as soon as we made it inside, we could hear the metal roof come alive with the plink plink sound of rain.  This must have gone on for almost an hour.
    I am having a hard time deciding whether I want a new boat which I do love looking at and using, but I fear having to pay hundreds of dollars a month for something I barely use twice a month for 3-4 months a year.  Luckily, we are still paying down some of our credit cards, and Wife and I decided no big purchases until we pay off all that old crap.  I am even trying to hold out and not buy a new truck until we are at $0 debt.  But I still love to shop.
    After the storms passed, we went to eat a "quick lunch" at Which Wich, quick or not, the tally was still $38 and change which sucks that it is so expensive for decent subs, but we ate.  After sitting there for about an hour, it's nice when we have no rush or agenda, Javalina talked us into going to PetSmart, he thought they might have dogs to adopt or sell.  I told him it doesn't work that way anymore, but he doesn't listen very well.  They had a couple jumbo cats that looked like they had had better days and we enjoyed the stink of animal for about 20 minutes.
    I then insisted on going into REI, which I have always felt like I am a long lost customer who discovered pizza and went a different route.  That store is everything I wish I was.  They sell camping stuff, kayaking, canoeing, biking, hiking and on and on.  They had several stand up paddleboards in the $800 range, but their weight limit is still only 300 pounds.  Feeling a little defeated, we then headed to Dick's Sporting Goods.  This was fun.
    Dick's is set up for football season for the kiddos and Javalina is bursting at his Crocs to get out on the field and hit somebody.  We got him a new set of high top cleats and full length socks, I got a chair to sit on the bleachers with a bit of a back.  I also let him talk me into getting a tackling dummy, those cylindrical dense foam pads, about five feet tall to work on his tackling and blocking.  Finally, for strength training, we got basically a 20 pound medicine ball to work on his arm strength of catching and throwing back to me.
    I have always had the bench and the dumbbells and stuff, so since Wife is working so far away and we hardly ever have any company, I talked her into moving the weights into the living room.  Our deal is that if we use it and it makes a difference to strengthen our boy and myself, then cool, the bench stays.  If we get to September and Javalina isn't using the weights, they will go into the garage and out of the house.

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