Monday, July 23, 2018

7/23/18 Slow Weekend?

    I like the summers in that Wife is only working four days a week and then gets to come up on Thursday nights.  It almost feels like she is here full time.  She got here Thursday, with Pizzas in hand, smoking from the discussion I had had with Boy.  All that turned out to be mostly miscommunication as we all sat down and came away as really there was nothing there to argue over after going through everything for possibly two hours or more.  The big things and I think they are important to most relationships is having an open dialogue.  I have seen this BS where the son/daughter speaks for their spouse and the message gets misconstrued and that just creates rifts and valleys, then nobody knows how to talk to each other and you create weird feelings where there shouldn't be any.  We told her to speak for herself, Boy can barely string sentences together for his own god, let alone for someone else.  Ultimately, she wants their personal time to be private and not be discussed, which is easy enough to respect, and Boy doesn't like for Mama to call on GF when he is MIA, to which we say fine, but respond quicker.  We all see texts right away and ignore somewhen we feel like it.
    Wife and I digested this over the weekend.  We know Boy is growing, but he is not an adult until he starts paying his way.
    Saturday and Sunday it was just too hot to do anything.  We got up at a decent time on Saturday, came down, ate breakfast, just as the last of Javalina's friends left from his sleepover, he had like 4-5 boys spending the night.  As soon as we finished eating Saturday, it was right back to napping and we didn't get up until like 7:00pm.  We went out for a drive, stopped at World Market and maybe made some other dumb stops.  I say dumb because we managed to buy $10 worth of chocolate candy which I ate most of before we got home, it wasn't a good stop.
    Sunday was more of the same.  We didn't get up until around 2:00pm, went to eat at PokeJoe's, I love their big salad.  It was a bit weird, I then had to run home to poop, got out and Wife started with "are you ready to go eat dinner?"  I was confused as it hadn't been an hour since we had eaten lunch.  We hung out another while, Her and Javalina have been obsessed with Superstore on Hulu, so we watched 3-4 episodes, then we left so Wife could scout where her conference was going to be today.  I honestly sat in the car and passed out from the heat, dammit do I hate it when it gets in the +100 degrees temp.
    We ended the evening by eating at Johnny Carino's, which isn't the best, but it is close to the house and Wife usually has a coupon for at least one free meal.  The four of us ate like a family, which is rare nowadays.  Boy is usually doing his own thing or brings along the GF or a friend.  We did talk about going to the lake, an old friend had pics of them sitting by Canyon Lake and the water looked so pretty and blue-ish.  They were even sitting on a sandy beach, but after Wife texted her, finding out the place, we couldn't get excited about sitting outside in +100 degree weather, so we said later.

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