Friday, July 27, 2018

7/27/18 Father Of The Year (2018) (Netflix)

    I love a good David Spade movie, I know it's really an Adam Sandler movie, but I have always liked Spade.  He is kind of a weasel with a heart of gold.  He always plans and schemes to win with minimal effort but in the end, he never wants to hurt those around him that count on him and he generally gives as much as he can, even when he plays these sorry characters like Joe Dirt.
    There is no doubt he is trailer trash as he comes out from under a trailer in the first scene of the movie.  His son is debating whether to spend time with him or not and apparently they have been talking because Spade is in the "basement" of his trailer pulling out a very old and stained mattress for his kid to sleep on.  His kid is of course, some kind of genius and has a dream job lined up now that he has graduated from college.  I loved the first ten minutes of the movie, Spade then invites them to go for a swim and the first image shows Spade in this beautiful blue water, he is swimming underwater, facing up.  Then the camera pans out and the "swimming pool" is the back of a neighbor's truck with a blue liner.  It is most funny when a lady comes out and hurriedly takes off without noticing the swimming pool and Spade swimming, he lasts about 8 seconds back there, like a bull, he gets thrown off naked, it was hilarious.
    The movie is supposed to be a coming of age, the friends are kind of lost and working shitty jobs, but it gets focused when the two friends start talking about whose father would win in a fight.  Spade is mentioned of the theoretical fight and when he gets in a drunken stupor heads out to find the friend's dad.  The dad is a big ole pus and wants nothing to do with fighting him.  They run around all over the house, end up on the roof and the son and Spade fall off the roof unto the neighbor's giant greenhouse, demolishing it in the process.  They end up in jail, and before you know it, the son loses his job offer.  The neighbor is an old lady willing to drop the charges if the kid builds her a swimming pool for her grandkids.
    There is a lot of silliness but I think Spade's son learns to appreciate his father and when face to face with his hero, he finds out some stuff that helps make his mind up as to what to do with the rest of his life.  I don't want to give too much of the story away, but there is a love interest also.

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