Friday, July 13, 2018

7/13/18 What Happened To Friday The 13th?

    Remember more innocent times when kids knew little chants like "stepping on a crack broke your mama's back" or even "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"?  Modern times have been turned to shit thanks to a small miserable lot who think they benefit at the cost of human life.  Kids have to watch out for peers shooting them down in schools because they were bullied by assholes.  Workers have to watch for coworkers shooting them down at work like postal workers in the 80's and 90's.
    We used to have fun with being scared about the number 13, hell most hotels don't have a 13th floor, check the elevator next time.  In Scotland, there is no Gate 13, instead they use a Gate 12B at airports.  The fear of the number 13 started in Norse mythology, when a feast by some 12 gods was broken/disturbed by Loki of Avengers fame, and Hod the blind god of Darkness to shoot Baldur, the god of joy and gladness with an arrow.  Baldur was killed and the Earth was plunged into darkness.  Another Norse myth has to do with Frigg, the goddess of marriage, the germans upon being introduced to the people of Norway, confused Frigg with Freya, the goddess of love.  In their mistake, they banished Frigg to the mountains and there she met 12 other witches and the devil on the 13th day.  This all supposedly started the whole Friday the 13th is a bad day.
    There is also a biblical reference to the unlucky number 13.  Judas was the 13th gues to the last supper and he was the one that betrayed Jesus Christ.  If you need one more superstitious story, how about in Rome, it is said witches would gather in groups of 12 and wait for their 13th guest, the Devil.
    Today kids are not impressed by old time shenanigans.  First off, 9/11 in 2001 forced us to grow up.  It enforced in us a reality that there is an ugly side on this planet that doesn't like the American way of life.  Worrying about a day of the week coinciding with some vague number doesn't mean as much in today's world where given any day of the week, some lame kid who has been bullied one too many times is going to pick up a gun and fire up his school, and yes it is almost always a Boy and yes it is almost always a white boy who does this.  Why?  I don't know, other than people like to copy.  Maybe it is honorable in their minds to follow the path others have left, but who knows.
    It just struck me as odd that I woke up and nobody had made noise that it was Friday the 13th, and in my youth, we always seemed to be aware of it.  People might wear their socks inside out for luck, or sing some chant to get through the day, but in today's tough world, we just ain't got no time for these kinds of Shenanigans.

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