Tuesday, July 17, 2018

7/17/18 When Does A Parent's Power Cease?

    I was having a non-issue involved conversation with my buddy at work.  Honestly, I was dreading the drive home and was sitting there half asleep proselytizing my greatness.  He mentioned something about Mexico and it reminded me about the documentary I watched on YouTube about Acapulco, which used to be the Hot spot back in the 70's, we used to hear about it, at least and I know the ducks in the EPCOT Mexico ride run around Acapulco, so it was big enough to make it to a Disney Park.  In the last few years, Acapulco has been turned to shit by the cartels.  They started showing up asking for "protection money" meaning they wanted a cut of the profits in exchange to keep trouble away.  Some of the remaining business owners say they were hit for as much as 50-60  for comic percent of the profits, and as if that wasn't bad enough, the killings and drug activity still showed up and put itself on display.
    Fast forward to how this affects me, Boy and his GF thought about going to a wedding out there and my response was an immediate no!  When asked why?  GF still hasn't learned that because I say so is enough, so I must give her a couple of reasons.  1.  It is the middle of the semester, you 2 knuckleheads need to focus on school.  2.  It is a tremendous expense for people you hardly know.  3.  Now that I know how much drug trouble Acapulco itself suffers from, I change my answer to Never!  You will never go there.
    This is where my good buddy woke me and laughed.  He said I have a right to tell him my thoughts, but I don't have the right to stop him from doing what he will.  I laughed because he is wrong.  The way I see things, Boy is not a grown up who can do as he pleases.  He is almost there, finish up that freaking degree, start making some real money and you can then support yourself, then I will say, yes, you are a man.  But if I buy your food, clothing, and shelter, vehicle, gas, and insurance, sorry.  You be mine.  It is the only reason I do so much for you in the first place.
    I am guessing this is a Hispanic vs. white culture thing as far as my buddy arguing his silly shenanigans.  I mean sure, Boy could be a man for a minute and say I will do what I want and llllllllll
 to Mexico, but it would cost him way too much if he has to come back and get an apartment, and feed himself, and get a vehicle or start making payments on his Edge.
    Wife will have a good laugh over this one, quietly call my buddy a "pendejo" and she will reason he don't understand how it is under this house, but nice try trying to help out Boy.  We have let him go with friends to Florida for Disney, To Houston for Comic cons, to SanAntonio for more comic cons, so no, we don't hold the boy down.  We are just careful and Mexico seems like a big No!!!