Wednesday, February 28, 2018

2/28/18 Could It Be The Same Man?

    I grew up pretty well behaved as far as school goes.  I was never a disciplinary problem, went to the principal's office only a couple times.  Ok, once in third grade or so for throwing a rock at a kid who threw one at me.  He missed, I hit him in the eye or broke his glasses or something, but as I recall he threw first.  Then I was sent to the principal's office after a band trip for cussing and "being disrespectful".  We would get these parents as chaperones on the busses, mostly to prevent humping in the back and all they would do is get in the way.  After one of the trips we were goofing around and it just so happened I was cussing in the back seats, I always did, kind of like Boy, we let the "shits" fly.
    Anyways, sometime in 7th grade I was in a PE class and the whole class decided it would be funny to have a paper war while the coach assigned a movie and he stepped out, probably for a smoke.  This was a tough ass coach who probably did time in Vietnam and not really an adult you would find around kids, today.  His solution for the shenanigans which was really nothing was to line us all up and give us one whack with the paddle.  I remember thinking this is not going to be cool with my mom but it all happened too fast, I just remember running sideways up the stairs to sit with the rest of the knuckleheads.  I never did tell my mom, she was a teacher and the only person who should beat me was her and that never happened.  She didn't even allow my dad to spank us, we really should be more spoiled and "assholey" than we are.  All this is besides the point, I think the man still lives in the next town over and is a school board member who happens to give Wife a hard time, now and then.
    Last night she was doing a presentation that was so important she left San Antonio in the afternoon to go down there, like a two hour drive, presented, then drove back to Austin for another meeting today.  She was all into her material, but he stopped her to tell her to kill a spider that was getting close to her.  She said "that's ok, it's not bothering me."  He pointed at it and just said "kill it!"  She did a fake step on it, she didn't want to get spider goo on her shoe while she was talking, she told me she pressed it down but not all the way.  A couple minutes passed and he came back a third time, stopping her presentation to insist she kill the spider.  "Fine, she stepped on it, felt bad about it and stood there with goo on her shoe while she attempted to finish her Power Point presentation.
    I just thought it was funny if this old fart is still running around being a hard ass for no reason.

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