Thursday, February 15, 2018

2/15/18 Boy Is Kicking Ass In Different Ways?

    I feel like I have been going on and on about Javalina lately, but it is so easy because he is a character.  He plays up the silly and seems self aware, like when I'm getting dressed for work and he has taken to punching me as I am bending down to tie my shoes.  "What, I'm just touching you...", if I so much as lift an arm up to push him away he gets in his little stance "oh, you want to go?"  He thinks he's a boxer and he does punch with a heavy fist.
    Boy is also doing things outside of my abilities.  He has recently had two interviews with a company for an internship dealing with programming.  I honestly didn't know the boy could program, but goddam, that could lead to big bucks.  A friend of his from Tx State started working at this company and when they were asking around if anyone knew anyone who could program, the guy put Boy's name in the hat.  Fast forward to a phone interview and the guy liked what he had to say, so last week he went in and met the team.  He is supposed to find out this week if they are going to call him.  I hope they do, even if there is the risk he decides to stop working at Alamo Drafthouse and we lose our stream of free tickets.
    During our uncle's funeral, now about a month ago, he was talking to our cousin's husband, who is just as nerdy as him.  They can talk lathes and wet saws and jigs for hours, I don't go that deep down the rabbit hole.  This "uncle" of his grew out this crazy white man beard and I did not recognize him.  We were eating at a restaurant after the funeral and everyone was sitting with their little families and I am staring at Boy to stop talking to the waiter or a straggler from the last group of people that had eaten where we were.  After half an hour or so it occurred to me, it was him, I got up and went and said hi.  Well, he is connected with a company that does all sorts of design and metal works and he was saying he can get Boy in for an internship, then Boy starts talking equipment and he has already worked and done programming on the equipment they use, so he has a head start on that.  He just happened to have a phone interview with someone in the company, more as a get to know you than an interview, but they talked for awhile.
    He says he feels pretty good from the interview he had with the first company.  His friend, who also is into building things and him have quietly been making swords for the cosplay costumes for other people and so far have sold one for $300 and have another in the building process.  These are life size swords/weapons that light up and look good for picture taking, not necessarily for fighting.  They built one for a friend and then through word of mouth, people ask and that is how they are getting that going.
    So, yes, things are going pretty good for both boys right now.  I wish I could take credit with Wife currently living out of town, but the fact is, they are both good boys, Mama doesn't hesitate to get in little Hams face if his grades start slipping, so it is still a team effort, as it should be.

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