Friday, February 23, 2018

2/23/18 Hotels Think They're Planes Now?

    I had not heard of hotels overbooking, but apparently they are trying to pull the same shit as the airlines do.  Is this even legal?  Wife has a conference in Houston with about 4 other administrators today and as usual, my little hero didn't get going until the floors are polished and every door is locked by herself personally.  She called me about 5:15pm that they were just getting on the road.  I was rushing with Javalina to get him to his boxing class, so we didn't talk much.  We talked about 7:15pm that instead of getting her car which we were going to catch her on the road somewhere between San Antonio and San Marcos to get her car so she wouldn't leave it in La Pryor and then have to drive all the way back to get it, she left it at somebody's house in San Antonio.  She makes stuff harder than it is, her folks are a couple miles from highway 90, which is one of the ways to come up from the middle of nowhere that she is.  I finally ended up working my first night of OT this year, so I was unavailable to run that maneuver for her.
    I told her to call me when she got to her room, no sense trying to make small talk with other people in the car, she don't do that, she is a professional, I don't have time for BS when I am in the lab either, so it works out.  I almost started thinking this was just a ruse, that she ran off with somebody from work, as it was 2:30am before I heard from her again.  When she texted, there was some cussing, unusual for her.  She said the hotel overbooked them and now, at 2:30am they were left to their own devices to look for a place to stay.
    I can understand airlines doing this, they pretty much treat you like cattle, they get to do whatever they want, but when did hotels start doing the same?  After a five hour drive, all you want is to take your clothes off and have a nice one on one with the toilet, who are these fucks to overbook and send you back on the street?  This sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.  Wife even called while they were on the road, telling them they would be arriving late.  The lady said no problem, blah blah blah.  I think the hotel should at least be responsible for reserving rooms for the people at a close by equivalent hotel, planes give free trips and bonus cash, or they used to for people to get off.
    On the one hand, I feel bad for Wife and them, sitting at an IHOP at 3:00am like the small town yokels they are, trying to figure out where they are going to wash their stinky parts, debating whether to sleep in the car at a rest area I am sure.  I'm surprised they didn't just head for the nearest river (I kid, I kid).  But, I also get pissed at Wife every time she heads out of town because anything stops her from getting going.  It could be some little old lady complaining of the kids make too much noise in the playground for her afternoon nap, and she will entertain the old hag.  She has to learn to prioritize herself, point at the door and tell anyone top down "Beat it!" I am not here, even if you think you see me.  She needs to learn in order to lead, you must learn to always lead as if you are the only person that matters.  That is how the greats do it, I have learned.

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