Friday, February 16, 2018

2/16/18 Jesus?

    What if God keeps sending us Jesus and we keep ignoring him?  How would we know?  This, after a discussion with Javalina, who proclaimed himself Jesus.  We discuss religion a lot, and he was being funny about it after punching me as we walked from Target to the car and I was threatening to kick his ass.  But it gave me a funny (to me) idea about the resurrection of Jesus in this day and age.
    Back in the day, if you got hung on the cross, and it was a real way to kill people, it was three nails and let you sit there until you gradually melted off.  This, of course would give plenty of time for the son of God to do his hocus pocus and come back, like he claimed.  Try doing that, in this day and age.  First off, once you are labeled dead, they drain you of fluids, so coming back gets really hard, and add to that the big metal casket and the burying under 6 feet of dirt and I don't know who can come back from that, how many Jesuses are knocking on their caskets waiting for the big reveal?  Sitting quietly in a cave and then metamorphosing, like a butterfly into an angelic Jesus is easy, if you got room and you don't need a shovel to dig yourself out.
    How about when you go the other option, some people die and are then cremated, that would be a great parlor trick, to pass away, get cremated and then while the urn sits on the family table, to come back to life, standing there, a little smoky and crispy, but no worse for the wear.  But, given our current treatment of the dead, God is probably pissed about having to come up with new tricks.  He just gets the updates from one of the angels, "yeah, Sorry, your Magnificence, the humans have burnt another Jesus, that is the third one this year.
    He can't come from a poor household and end up on the street screaming that he is the second coming, as that happens all the time, with the nutty hobos, we have learned to just tune them out.  Which one of you would follow a hobo and sell off your possessions to follow them on their begging trips?
    I need to test Javalina, maybe he can do an oldie but a goodie, convert water into wine or better yet, tequila.  I already know his heavy ass ain't going to walk on water, so what other miracle, oh yeah, feeding a village with one piece of bread and a knife.  Shoot, when we go out to eat, I'm not happy until I get at least 3-4 servings of their bread, before the meal, and Jesus is trying to get everybody to fill up on the one piece of bread?

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