Saturday, February 24, 2018

2/24/18 Protecting Religious Babies?

    I picked up Javalina today, as usual and headed towards my doctor's office to get a new bottle of testosterone.  I am back on the sauce after taking about a two month break.  I stopped because it was making me too horny, I was feeling like I was back in high school, dirty thoughts all the time, but after getting off, I did notice a loss of interest in my little guy.  Anyways, while driving up there, my boy was telling me about school and that it was a good day.  They had a discussion in science class about the Big Bang and the teacher wussed out and said something like billions of years ago, a tenth of a second after time started, there was a flash and an explosion and from this the cosmos started.  He turned to the religious snowflakes waiting to hear that somehow God was involved, but how can you appease these simpletons in that way?  Javalina said something like the .001 second there allowed God to be involved, I don't know how, exactly, but there you go.  Why are these creationist turds allowed to carry any scientific weight?
    What is the gain by involving the Creator, even if he were real somehow?  At that point, we might as well just stop trying to understand how everything works, and say it is God's will.  We have to move past this great obstacle placed before us, it is really doing nothing but slowing us down as far as progress.  Just in the first sentence of "billions of years ago", a theist could argue, "no, the bible says the earth is 4000 years old, so ratchet it back, Einstein."
    Another notion, if He was involved, yet it doesn't affect any of the calculations used to figure out the age of the universe or the total mass involved, does it really matter that He is involved?  Why do we have to involve Him in everything, is His self esteem that low that he must be recognized at every level?  We have to thank him for everything from the chicken mcnuggets we eat to the footballs athletes catch.  Where does it end, thank you Jesus for the nice soft bowel movement?  Do people thank Jesus/God when they get fired or anything negative happens?  If a football player drops a ball it must also be Jesus knocking it out of his hands.
    I was thinking about the after life, and what it would consist of.  If you live a good and holy life, you get to sit with Him in everlasting light.  And then?  To me, this looks like millions of humans sitting like contented moths in God's light.  You stop doing stuff?  You don't go out for an occasional haunt?  No peeping at the female dormitories, just sitting in the glow of everlasting light?  Sounds a  tad boring, if you ask me.
    We are humans, we have senses and that is how we make sense of the world around us.  The other option we seem to have if not in His presence is to go under, to Hell.  At least Hell makes you feel things, pain, misery, an occasional pineapple up your bum, as Javalina added jokingly.  I think sensual stimulation is what makes you feel alive and that is what Hell messes with the most.

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