Monday, January 9, 2017

1/9/17 Flu Sucks?

    Chubs and I just got past the flu.  It was a shitty five days that I just want to put in my past and move along.  Chubs woke up sick Wednesday morning, so I let him stay home, and with throwing up and diarrhea, that turned into him staying home all three days last week as the first days of the new semester.  I tried avoiding him, which was tough because when someone is sick, they don't want to be alone, but I certainly didn't want to get sick.  I figured if I do get sick, I'll try to make it through my four day week last week, but I started my third night ok, that flu just came on like a switch, one minute I was fine, the next I got a chill and then I couldn't wait to come home and go to sleep.  I ended up calling my supervisor asking if I could trade my last day into a work day next week, I hate doing that, but the year just started and I didn't want to burn a whole vacation day laying in bed.  Because we are a small group who has been together for almost 17 years, we do get a lot of flexibility.
    Thursday disappeared almost instantly, Wife said she was getting off early on Friday and be on the road by noon with some Mexican penicillin, but as always happens some emergency by somebody more important, meant she couldn't leave until everybody else left campus.  I wake up at 2:45pm, thinking ooh, maybe Wife is already here downstairs, but no, she sends me a text to tell me she is currently doing oil changes on the school busses, she has to polish the elementary floors, and maybe if she hurries, she'll be on the road by 5:30pm, unless it's the third Friday in January, then of course she'll need to stay and supervise a new layer of tar on the cafeteria.
    Instead of her showing up around 3:00pm, Wife managed to get home around 10:00pm.  She stopped at the Kyle HEB and bought stuff for chicken soup for Saturday and then for a beef stew on Sunday.  I was most interested in the penicillin, hoping it would speed up my recovery.  I don't know that it did, Chubs was doing better by the third day, he wanted to get out of the house by Friday afternoon to go eat Wendy's.  I was in no condition, but Wife and him did go out Saturday afternoon for a while.  All I've done is sleep.  I felt bad for Wife, as I didn't spend any time with her.  I couldn't get up even with me thinking about it.  Saturday evening, I got up to have her chicken soup and although I was thinking it was going to suck from the smells in the house, it went down really well.  All my aches and pains seemed to disappear while I was up with her.
    I don't know if Sunday was more laziness or my body not wanting to get up, but staying in bed so long is probably why I am still sore, specially on my lower back.  I got up to go eat a quick lunch before Wife left at Rosa's and I did feel better, once I got moving.  I am finishing this at 3:00am, here we go on another week, just hope we are done with the chills and body aches, easily the worst part of the flu.

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