Thursday, January 19, 2017

1/19/17 Savage Little Girls?

    I am not sure if this is a new trend or if this is what they mean by girls maturing faster than boys, but Chubs tells me all the time about how the girls in his class are savages.  He said they were playing basketball in PE today and this one girl just got a crazed look in her eye, went at the guy bouncing the ball and just tackled him to take the ball.  He said it became a melee of boys vs girls fighting for the ball.  He was the only one who noticed his friend on the floor, so he turned his attention to help him get back on his feet.  For some reason, according to Chubs, there is a metal fence inside the gym and the kid was thrown against this and so his hand was scraped up pretty good.
    We've been joking with him because he had several days in a row where he "accidentally" bumped with a couple girls, but you can't bump an immovable object like Chubs and send him flying.  He is built like a proverbial fire plug, short and thick and strong.  He is a Javelina.  Some girl, in one situation ran up to him to try and steal the basketball and he stood his ground and somehow put up an elbow and got her good in the chest.  This scared him because she ended up on the ground almost crying in pain and he was scared the rest of the girls were going to murder him, his words.  He finally apologized but with him still injecting that "you came at me, I was just protecting myself."  He said the little girl eventually admitted it was her fault.
    I remember playing tag in fourth and fifth grade, but by 6th grade most of us had started separating and acting different, girls like young ladies and boys like overdosed testosterone idiots.  Now that I think about it, those were the awkward years, 6th through 8th grade.  I don't recall having female friends until I was in high school.  Only because of being in band, I remember sitting and having cool discussions upstairs one on one with a couple girls in the practice rooms, but mostly with my saxophone counterpart, who we were good friends, even in elementary, when we ran around playing tag.  It's weird how time flies and people that meant a lot just disappear based on geography.  I guess that is life, appreciate the good times, you never know how long they will exist.
    I know Chubs likes the girls being so aggressive, it allows for another level of interaction, although I never encountered it, maybe it's something about being in a city.  Nobody is seriously getting hurt, but the memories of those collisions will last.

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