Thursday, January 12, 2017

1/12/17 Knocked Up, Again?

    I wish I could believe otherwise, but life is stacked against us.  We keep getting dealt a tough hand that gets tougher as we go along.  I don't want to be naïve and ignorant but if we must start somewhere with the next generation, at least a decent education before the babies start falling out of the next generation of eligible vaginas is certainly something we could track and keep count of.  I am not asking for higher level degrees, but at least a bachelor's degree, to raise the hopes of future parental ability to raise whatever new children are produced.
    Here is the reality, even a high school degree proves hard for the fertile Myrtles.  Boy, who is still at least a year away from a degree, has not even shown an interest in a girlfriend, so good we think.  Meanwhile, our friend's family,  who have grown alongside us since we met in 1996 or so have started popping like the microwave bag of popcorn I expected way back when.  Just in the immediate family that grew up coming over and swimming in our pools with Boy, those kids have now had ten kids.  Proving clichés are indeed the best way to live, only one of the kids is in a marriage and living in his own house.  The rest are living as best they can.
    This is Girlie's family, and she has not so far come down with a belly infection so far, but her cousin, who used to hang out with us as recently as last summer, is now on pregnancy number two.  The impregnator is a classy guy who didn't think his baby mama should have friends, has her pretty isolated from life, but that is also good news.  We could have been sucker's for gifts of clothing, food, and other necessities as we really liked this girl, given her current prisoner conditions, we don't interact with her at all, so good luck with your nest of kids.  In a moment of ridiculousness, the last conversation we had with her, we asked why she didn't marry this winner.  She said she didn't want to be officially tied down to him, she wasn't sure she wanted to be with him forever.  This from a fucking idiot who is growing the dude's child in her belly and now started doing the same thing a second time.  Princess Insane needs to realize she is in the middle of her life, not a bad show on TV, but whatever, we are too nosy and should mind our own business, which we have.
    All these twenty something aged parents are living like sardines in two or three bedroom apartments with other family members like their parents and siblings.  I don't know where they get the privacy, but their is a lot of built in dead time to do the deed.  If we do the math, by the time Boy gets his bachelor's degree, this one family could be up to twelve or fifteen kids, and sorry, but I do not see a bachelor's degree over there before Boy's.  How are we setting up this world to make it better for the future when just the training and energy we have put into Boy has so far yielded us a combined debt of $40,000-50,000 for a degree he hasn't earned yet, versus our friend's family where half of Boy's generation didn't get a high school degree, but there is already an increase in 10 new lives.

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