Wednesday, January 4, 2017

1/4/17 First World Problems, Truck Edition?

    Last year, I bought a one year membership to the car wash place by the house.  It was something like $550 which is a good chunk of change, but dammit, do I like when my truck looks shiny and washed.  The main reason I got the membership was that we were in a drought and we were not supposed to wash our cars in our own driveways, so I succumbed to the pressure of a dirty truck and bit the bullet.  I felt a little guilty at first as I have never liked other people doing the work that I should be doing, but it got easier and easier, specially with Fuddrucker's on one side and Rosa's Tortilla and Café on the other.  What could be easier than dropping off the truck, going to eat, then coming out to a shiny truck.  Wife said it was up to me if I wanted to put it on a card just to pay it, but I hate doing that right as we got past the holidays and all the other charging of stuff we did.
    I then have to think about my options.  I could technically wash it now, we are not in stage 2 of the drought thing, but I do still have a hole in my leg which I shouldn't be getting wet.  The truck is so big, when I do wash it, it is about a two hour affair.  I am climbing in the back to wash the roof, then down, then back up to dry it.  I can wash Wife's car in half an hour, or even Boy's Edge, but the truck is big and tall, so it takes a little more effort.  Not only do they do it in a fraction of the time, I can do it as many times as I need, the lady always told me not to hesitate, if you wash it and it rains, come back in the next day.  She also said she would give me a discount since I am such a good customer to renew, I don't know what that means, maybe I didn't take my truck in enough times.  I didn't see a point to washing it if rain is expected all week.  I do like it washed if it is going to be cold and dry, but I would never go outside and foolishly risk getting myself sick.
    I am also due on an oil change.  Do I do it here at the local Ford which will charge me $30-40, or do I drive to Hutto where I bought it and I have a lifetime oil change for $10.  I can get out there pretty quickly by jumping on the toll road and hauling ass, it is fun to go 85-90 and get where you're going, but then there is a toll fee, and I kind of have to plan it, specially with Chubs heading back to class on Wednesday.  Maybe this time, I just need to do it here at Maxwell Ford to save time.  $10 sounds cheap, but I end up paying more in gas and then those pesky tolls.  Now I am feeling stupid for having slept so much last week, there was so much to do.

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