Wednesday, January 11, 2017

1/11/17 Trump Will Be Entertaining If He Doesn't Kill Us All?

    Trump has been a busy man getting ready to lead this great country in less than a couple weeks, and by now must have found the best people to surround himself with.  Instead of taking the high road and starting to act presidential, he is doing twitter wars with Meryl Streep because she called him out.  He can say a lot, but calling her overrated is just wrong when she is the most nominated person by the Academy Award, 19 times.  As far as finding the best people, how lucky is he, his son in law, Kushner is good enough to be named a senior advisor.  This is a kid 10 years younger than me and will help lead our president.  Awesome!
    A funny note, Trump already is asking Congress for a 10 billion check to pay for the wall that Mexico was going to pay for.  I know the die hard supporters still believe him, what he will actually do is pay it, then Mexico will just us back gradually, after we have forgotten about his pesky promise.  One of the comments on one of the stories I saw was how interesting that somehow Mexicans became the bad guy again, I thought the new bad guys were those self detonating Muslims, not the guys with the tacos.  Wrong shade of brown, Stupid.
    So new intelligence is finding that Russia did in fact mess with the election, Trump wants to just leave that information alone.  He keeps finding praise for Putin in his Twitter feeds and yet seems suspicious of our intelligence community.  What president before has sided with the actions of a Russian leader versus our own intelligence specialists?  This is kind of scary.
    Being that I have not talked or heard from my brother, I have no idea about how things are going for the conspiracy theorists with their new man in control.  Shit, what I thought was chaos, is all according to plan, or so says Alex Jones.  I am not holding my breath, but the things that he has to say make Trump seem like a chess master just lining up the board.  Every new cabinet member, just another setup to his eventual win.  Nothing that he has done yet is wrong, if we are to believe Jones.  He is sure Trump wants to take us to when America was the world leader, in the 50's, before the New World Order started taking us off course to fill their agenda on American blood, sweat and tears.  Trump is lining up a whole other side of the table with billionaires of his own to get the attention he needs. 
    We are dense and unenlightened, but eventually we will see the great things Trump is doing for us.  He mentioned the railways and 60 years of no improvements on infrastructure which Trump is already addressing, bringing back 10 billion dollars in iron works.  It will take time for us to see the light, just to trust him for a little while.  We don't have much of a choice, what can we do?  Let's see if he can bring about positive change.

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