Saturday, January 7, 2017

1/7/17 Flu Comes On Like A Bag Of Bricks To The Face?

    Just as I was writing about Chubs getting sick the other night, here I am repeating his performance.  I was hoping to make it to my weekend and not miss any days, specially because the year just started and I didn't want to go disrupting my brand new batch of Personal Time Off (PTO).  Ten years ago at work, it was great, we would actually get 80 hours of sick pay and then 80 hours of vacation time.  But, of course, things change.  My bad, they did some corrections a year or two ago and they must have given us back the equivalent of 160 hours, but for awhile, it was less.  Plus, because we are such a small group and we have been together a long time, I asked my manager if I could make up my Thursday next week, she said that would be fine.  Showing that I am sick, the disjointed last few sentences barely get their message out, I was forced to miss a night of work, which is rare for me.
    I came home Thursday morning, checked on Chubs, who had been texting me throughout the night.  Last I could figure, since he couldn't sleep and he kept telling me his stomach was bothering him, I told him to go to the bathroom, he said he had and nothing happened.  I told him it was too late to eat anything, so maybe turn on the TV so it'll distract you.  That must have worked, because he stopped texting me and when I came home, he was asleep with the TV on George Lopez.  I touched him and it was nice that he wasn't burning up anymore, but he still had diarrhea when he went later in the day.
    It feels awesome when you think of a four day weekend, I know, I have them every other week, but as soon as I thought "I am done for the week", was about how much energy I had to screw around.  I just wanted to shower and get in bed.  Thursday disappeared on me in a fog of dream.  I did not really get up until late in the day, maybe 6-7pm.  I ate some toast, wary of Chubs having thrown up, I didn't want to repeat everything exactly.  I came back up to my room before midnight, not planning on going to sleep, but to watch some more TV, my lower back hurts when I stay in bed too long.  I was asleep within five minutes of sitting on the chair, but I still decided to stay there until about 3:00am.  I kept waking up every half hour or so, eventually I got up to pee and then I switched over to the bed.
    I slept most of the day Friday, getting up at 3:00pm to eat some oatmeal and toast.  At this point, I still had not gone #2, which is rare for me, but I decided not to panic since I also had not hardly eaten.  Wife had said she would leave work by noon, and come be our hero, but of course, she never leaves early, other people had more important emergencies.  I ended up just sleeping until almost 9:30pm, when she finally got home.  First thing she did was give me the Mexican penicillin, apparently, you can get this stuff pretty easily down there, but shhh.  The worst part of being sick was the joint pain, which Chubs was also complaining about, then it's the fever which makes my head hot and my arms and feet cold, then I sweat up the bed, making it moist and gross to lay back down after I get up to pee.  Right now, I am just hoping to be ok by Sunday afternoon for next week, so it can go a hell of a lot smoother.

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