Friday, January 20, 2017

1/21/16 What Is Point Of Protesting Like Animals?

    The election happened, whether we like it or not, it is done.  We didn't have great options to choose from this time around.  By the time it was down to the usual red or blue, it was either a lady nobody trusted with possible blood on her hands, or an old billionaire long on promises, with just a touch of racism, sexism, classism, and probably other -isms we aren't even aware of.  But the people spoke, and let's assume we are smart enough to keep the computers out of those pesky Russian hands and the outcome was true.  Then we have no recourse but to line up behind our new President elect, Donald Trump.  This is part of our process, we win some, we lose some, but we shouldn't embarrass ourselves to the rest of the world and destroy downtown city blocks in protest.
    Time after time, the people have gotten good at destroying their cityscapes, since about the Rodney King incident in the early 90's.  Great, a couple of thugs and idiots destroy mom and pop shops in their own towns, I'm sure stealing anything not tied down, and what does that accomplish?  I don't feel it garners any positive love from the spectators watching on TV.  We usually just think "dammit, these idiots are fucking up their own cities, for what?  I honestly feel that those people in the middle who could go either way, see this behavior and are instantly drawn away from it, so if rioting does anything, I think it forces people in the middle to lean away from the demonstrators.
    So as Trump was taking over the Presidential responsibilities, there was a mass of idiots destroying store fronts with bricks, according to my Dad, who did nothing today but watch the proceedings.  Do these people not have jobs?  I could not even think of protesting, I work, I have responsibilities.  Where do the people who show up all day and stand around to cause problems come from?  If I missed work to cause havoc, I would probably be as unemployed as most of those knuckleheads.  Shoot, even sitting with a friend to eat some tacos and enjoy a cup of coffee seems a bridge too far, I can't imagine taking a day off from work to walk around aimlessly downtown and yelling "let's fuck shit up!!"
    I honestly want to like him.  I like that he is an outsider, that because he is already rich, he doesn't have to bend over for lobbyists and others with deep pockets.  He has said many words that I want to believe, if they ring true, he could set us on a positive growth pattern, but then he stops talking and we see actions that don't make sense, like attempting to make someone so opposed to our public school systems the new education secretary, Betsy Devoss.  Does Trump really have insight and is he really masterminding a new path for these United States?  At this point, I have trouble believing a man who seems to say whatever necessary to get positive cheers,   But let's give the man the benefit of the doubt, if he can do half of what  he bragged abour, we will all benefit.  Maybe

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