Friday, January 6, 2017

1/6/17 At What Point DoYou Stop Being A Kid?

    As I mentioned awhile back, Girlie moved in with us about a month ago, but she has barely been at the house, opting to stay with her family through the Christmas break so she could run around at whatever hours she chooses, I guess.  All that doesn't really matter, for now.  Today, she got a package which I assume is a belated Christmas gift from a friend/classmate who lives in California.  I texted her to let her know, and she had no idea she was getting a package.  I told her the name as it was written on the box, and she still couldn't make heads or tails.  I get a little antsy with stuff like this, first off, how many people know you live in our house, you haven't told the world.  A little rude, but this unclogs her memory and she says oh yeah, so and so called me a couple weeks ago, he is living in California.  I remembered the kid, she brought him over to the house a couple times, little quiet Asian dude, well, aren't they all?
    Later on, she was on Snapchat talking about her "twinsie" knows her so well, and she loves the gifts.  It was some shot glasses from different California locations and a larger Starbucks coffee mug.  I don't know where the twins thing comes from she's half beaner, half Puerto Rican, he looked Asian to me.  I guess when you are in high school stuff like that can work out, I had two fat friends in high school, occasionally we would get called The Fat Boys, there was a rap group with three fat dudes back in the 80s, I am sure they no longer walk the earth.  Fuck that, I wouldn't want some jack-ass calling me that nowadays. 
    I guess she's a girl, she can pass off trying to be cute, specially on lame sites like Snapchat that are not seen by everyone.  That is my question though, when do we drop the cutesy stuff from our childhood, and why?  I remember I loved playing in mud, I think I could still get into it, but the minute I would try doing that, I would be judged nuts.  I stopped playing video games because I think they are entertainment for kids, yet I know there are tournaments where people can win more than I make a year by being the best at Halo or other games.
    Can you go in reverse then?  What if I decide I am going to take the day off, go to Gattitown and try to win all the games in the claw machine, which I can only play when Chubs was younger and he wanted whatever stuffed animal.  I liked winning, still do, but I have to control myself and try and look like an adult at all times.

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