Friday, January 13, 2017

1/13/17 Toying With Idea Of Getting Rid Of My Truck?

    This may be just me whining over not having a boat anymore, but suddenly I find myself questioning the need for my big truck.  I love the thing, and although I bought it in 2015, it still feels new to me.  I ride around alone in it most of the time, it is a pain to go to the mall or shopping with it because I am always worried of door dings from assholes and idiots.  I always take the effort to park far away from the entrances and I prefer the edges where I can push myself over into the edge, but dummies still will flock around me wherever I park.
    I started thinking about this seriously this week, Wife heard my dad saying he wanted to buy a new truck for himself and I know he has always liked mine, but even if he wanted it, the jackals that live next door will Wormtongue him and convince him I am Satan selling him a vehicle with problems, so it would be a hard sell.  If the weather holds up, I may go get a quote from Carmax, they have been real easy to get rid of a couple of vehicles, so far.  I sold them my last F-250 and walked away with $2500 cash, after driving that one for 2.5 years. 
    This could just be a little depression from just having passed the holidays and realizing even though we did our best to curb the gift giving, we still have a mountain of debt all over the place.  From Dillard's, to Best Buy, to a Capital One card Boy believes Santa pays for.  Don't forget Target where we only use the credit card for Christmas gifts, Buckle, because Chubs wants to look more mature, sometimes.
    It is hard to feel like a family man when I am alone most of the time, I may as well drive the older Excursion which has been paid for years and doesn't cost me a monthly payment to enjoy.  When I got the truck I was feeling desperate because we only had the Excursion which was a 2004, the VW bug, which was a 2005, and the Jeep Boy was driving, a 2008.  Now, all of a sudden, Wife has a 2016 car, the truck is a 2015, and even Boy's Edge is a 2014, so we have a much younger car lineup, I don't feel bad if we lose one.
    But just as my eyes are getting teary and I am feeling sorry for myself, they call me for what would have been OT tonight, except I am making up a day for being sick last week, I am also possibly working Friday night for the first time in a long time, so maybe all that OT they were teasing me with a couple weeks ago is finally fixing to start.  OT beats me trading in my beautiful truck, unless my dad wants it.  I do like those Ford Broncos coming out in a couple years.

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