Tuesday, June 2, 2015

6/3/15 I Thought Boy Was Gonna Be Helpful Over The Summer?

    Boy has been off from school for a couple weeks.  First week off he stayed in his apartment until we yelled at him to come home and start packing his room.  Then of course he was gone the last nine days to Florida for a trip they planned all year long.  Of course, he gets back Sunday night and Monday he needs to go to San Marcos to go help pick out a new apartment for the coming school year.  He used to at least watch Chubs so I could leave early to work. 
    Today was a "shitty" day.  It started for me around 11am, I was trying to sleep as much as possible as I have been filling run down from all the OT.  The alarm company called that the sensor in the kitchen window had been activated.  When we were there Saturday afternoon we saw the same thing.  I thought we had set the alarm and disabled that sensor but it is a new system, maybe not.  He asked for the secret word, I guessed right, and he hung up.  In the next five minutes I got another call and a message from another person at alarm place that they might send an officer to the house, then Boy left me two missed calls about the same thing, and finally I had to yell at Wife as all this is supposed to go through her while I sleep, and it does but she left her phone on her desk while she went to make copies.  Awesome!!
    While I am over there checking nothing happening of course, Wife calls me that she has hired a maid service to come and clean so would I please clean so it doesn't look like we're dirty when they come.  My first reaction is "fuck no", isn't that what you are paying them for?  But she is stuck like a stuttering fool "paint cans"  "paint cans"   "paint cans"  OMG, maids have never in their lives moved a paint can, can you just please get all the paint cans to the garage.  Paint cans paint cans paint cans..... I finally said goddammit fine, I don't have anything better to do. 
    As soon as I hang up, Boy calls trying to seem real interested in what I am doing, knowing he never cares about what I am doing, I said "cut the crap, what happened" (I felt it was perfect day for a car accident), "some white Bimbo was texting in the HEB parking lot and hit me, it's not my fault".  Goddammit again!!  I don't have time for this crap, do I have to go get you, are you OK?  "I'm fine, Daddy!!  Never mind, I knew you were gonna yell, he had no real business other than fart around up there.  He got his friend to pick him up and Jeep was towed to local Jeep place.
    He then called Wife as he thought his plans were going to continue unscathed, "umm, tomorrow, I have a thing at UT, I'll just take the Excursion."  No, you will not.  Your butt will settle down and be at the house now.  You're not going to leave us all disabled without vehicles, some of us need to leave the house to make money, not go to the comic book shop.
    Wednesday he's going to be dropped off at old house at 730ish and he can wait for new water heater install and the maids who never have seen paint cans in a newly painted house and he is going to keep them company until I get up and go pick up Chubs and then swing by to pick him up.  Maybe Donkey should've hung out with Dad today instead of running around.

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