Saturday, June 20, 2015

6/21/15 Road Trip With My Homies?

    I love driving to Florida, I should  say loved, today was a pain in the butt.  It didn't really rain on us, but there was one hold up after another.  First off, because of our awesome luck selling the house, realtor wanted us to go in and sign paperwork at 9:30am.  We were trying to get on road at 9:00am, so already our schedule was going to be off, but for a good reason.  Because we were running later we hit Houston just as it was getting to rush hour.  That was not even that bad of a time stealer as we rode on the HOV for about halfway and it was all +80mph.  We then continued and stopped at Louisiana entrance to stretch and go to bathroom.  Father in law offered a sandwich and before I knew it, it turned into a picnic, everone eating sandwiches and chips, fun but we lost a good hour.
    We then got on road and went almost three hours, stopped at a Love's, clean bathrooms, but store needs to be revamped with places like Buc-ee's existing.  I could have/would have liked Wife to drive, but said ehh, I can go a bit more.  We ended up on that 18 mile bridge and although there was a bad accident on west bound lanes, our east bound lanes still slowed down enough to loose another hour.  Just when it seemed there couldn't be any more distractions, our Google Navigator suggested we get off freeway and take some back roads, we discussed with other cars in our party and they all said we'll follow whatever you do.  By the time I had to decide whether to get off freeway, traffic was already backing up to the exit we used.
    We drove on back roads that reminded me of the back roads from my hometown, just two lane roads, 9 miles one way, 13 miles this way... It felt like an hour, but Google said we had saved an hour and a half.  
    All this hard focusing and the fact I am working with a cold, left me drained.  I forced Wife to take over and drive, although it was just the last 11-14 miles.  We then took a good while figuring out where to park, but here we are, I am writing this on a bed in Alabama, next to some Battleships and the tunnel.  Tomorrow has to be smoother, although it is 1:10am and the boys haven't even showered and they are complaining they are hungry.  I guess they only ate the sandwich and whatever junk food in the car.  My poor boys are too used to eating meals.  Chubs is about crying that he is hungry and even Boy is passive aggressively calling us bad parents for not feeding him.

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