Friday, June 19, 2015

6/20/15 Done, Sold To The Gentleman?

    After so much going back and forth,  and doing so much for our old house, it finally went on the market today around 3pm.  Just like an Austin Hot Property, it sold in four hours.  Our realtor called Wife and told her the good news.  I don't know if we're supposed to get excited, cry, celebrate in whatever way.
   Either way, we are still shaking not believeing the amount of work that went into bringing home up to really a beauty.  Guy that has shown the interest even offered $5000 above our asking price, I guess to push us to say yes and not let others draw it out into a bidding war.
    I am writing this on Friday night and we went to sign paperwork with our realtor as to agreeing to price.  Realtor said she also had two more realtors interested today in showing the house to potential buyers.  They discussed having a back-up offer if we were interested, but our realtor said buyer has half the money cash, only financing half the cost of the house.  Sale should be a slam dunk, never seen a house sell so fast.
    I am happy, although it is a little sad we won't have our starter home, it was very hard to keep fixing and cleaning everything, not everyone was as dirty as our last tenant, but it broke my heart to walk in their and realize "renters" just can't/won't care as much as the owner.  There was also the reality of us having a hard time keeping up with our bills as our newer bigger house has been slowly suffocating us.
    Luckily, Wife is finally being recognized at work with a small salary bump (although she will be driving a bus), and the healthy profit from the house will pay off most of our credit card debt.  Paying off so much credit debt, we will then attempt to refinance our big house, as interesxt rates are still very good.  Finally, add in a renter or two, and I may finally get my wish of a Rolex on every arm and ankle.
    Everyone is constantly "mothering me" telling me, "ay Mando, don't do the same thing again and get all in credit debt again..." no shit, that is goal number one.  Wife still said we are only living in big house for a year as a test.  If we have added credit debt, she says that will be a sign we need to sell big house and live in our RV.  That is her solution/punishment to me for living outside my means.  Let's see what happens from here.

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