Friday, January 8, 2021

1/8/21 Covid-19 Is Still Being An Ass?

     Luckily, we have pretty much been able to stay clear of its path, other than Sweetie early on.  Still, Wife and the other negative Nancy's are ever present whenever I want to stretch and say it's not so bad.  Earlier this week, I just happened to come out of the shower, freshly clean and maybe wanting to go for a ride to the mall or Academy, anywhere really, just to get out, I said Covid can't be that bad, instantly, like she was waiting to shit on my head, Wife starts reading a list of people on FB that are on life support and other people that died recently.  What can you do after that?  Just sigh and get back under the covers.  I think she was assigned to me to shit in my cereal anytime I want to feel good.

    If things weren't bad enough here, Dr. Drew, from Loveline fame and a constant sidekick to Adam Carolla who I am back to listening to his podcasts daily, got Covid-19.  He says the ironic thing is he feels he got it running around in circles in the hospital he works at trying to get signed off to get the vaccine as a front line responder.  His message was that he was kind of glad he got it, so he can relay the experience of having it not just from a doctor's perspective, but from a person has had it.  His advice is to stay ahead of it, he contacted his doctor early as soon as he felt something was off.  He even tested negative two times before he tested positive, as Wife told us from her trainings, you can test too early and not have enough of a virus load.  He also said he had taken Ivermectin, which I was reading repeated studies from a couple weeks ago and seems really effective in combatting the virus.  It is also a medicine that has been around for many years and gone through the proper approval procedures, not rushed like the vaccines.

    I look at the data frequently, and I see why people want to ignore the mask law, Florida has a lower incidence of death rates than New York and California, and they both have had draconian laws which have pretty much shut down the states as far as what people can and can't do.  Florida, on the other hand, has had free rein to continue doing as they do, even Disney World is open and the numbers are not terrible in that state.  I don't know what is real and what is "fake news" anymore, if anything, Trump has helped open my eyes that the main stream media does what it does, for its benefit, it doesn't just report the news anymore.

    I don't even know if the vaccine will solve all our problems, as people start taking it, the assholes on TV are already showing mutated versions of the virus out there, if it is like the flu, the vaccine changes yearly to account for the new strains, so we may all get a vaccine for a virus that changes enough but we won't even be told because the reality is this thing is survived without the vaccine by more than 99.5% of the people, so is the vaccine for real?

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