Thursday, January 21, 2021

1/22/21 $15 Minimum Wage?

     Another big initiative by Biden is the push to force $15 as a minimum wage to help Americans get off of the poverty line.  I know it sounds good in theory, but I think it will just lead to a reduction in jobs, when companies are pushed or there is any kind of downturn in the economy.  Jobs like this are, to me, jobs high school and college kids take for a little spending money, such as at Target, fast food places, like McDonald's, even Taco Bell.  Well, I have seen the future and their replacements are already being installed, am I the only one that sees it?  If you force these fast food places to pay more equitable salaries, they can now just reduce the headcount and maybe pay more to fewer employees.

    I have now seen kiosks at McDonald's where we can line up and order our food and pay with our cards, so we don't need a cashier to take our order.  We can order food online, so there is another way to get our order in without involving people.  Pretty much the same idea is already in place at Taco Bell, they have these wall computers and you can place your order and even be a pain in the ass and change things to make your order perfect.  This way might even lead to better orders being submitted since the distracted teen is taken out of the equation.  We have now been trained at Wal-Mart, HEB, and Target to check our own groceries and bag them, so I don't know why those stores need so many kids running around as employees.  Shoot, there used to be gas jockeys back in the day who would be responsible for gassing your car, and maybe check your oil while you were at it.  Those positions are long gone, and I feel soon the local teens will be gone from stores that will need to go from paying them $7 something currently to over $15.  I don't wish them ill will, but this just makes sense from a business standpoint to me.  Computers don't get sick, make excuses, steal, ask for holidays off, they are just better, from an employers perspective.

    Those goofy stores that sell yogurt at ridiculous prices already have us used to getting our own yogurt and paying by the pound, feel free to add any goodies on top, of course, they sell by the pound.  It seems that this is happening everywhere, we could get our movie tickets at home and just show a receipt on our phones a year ago when we still went to the movies.  Add to this that we have gotten comfortable ordering our clothes and stuff online and the malls may start dying out.  I can't see where too many minimum wage jobs will be left.

    I am not trying to be insensitive, but full on adults shouldn't be in a position of trying to support a household on a minimum wage.  This is why you were supposed to pay attention in school or gotten your shit together and learnt a trade as quickly as possible.  There will always be jobs, for those that want to work, but I don't see why the unskilled must be lifted up artificially.  Does this mean everyone's salary will be raised about $7, or the person making a legitimate $15 after working themselves up to that just going to keep making basically minimum wage after putting in the time to climb from $7 to wherever they are at while the new guy who doesn't know anything suddenly finds their salary doubled?  I haven't seen a raise in over ten years, I wouldn't mind a $7 raise, everything else has gone up.

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