Thursday, January 21, 2021

1/21/21 New Changes Per New President?

     I really wanted Trump to get another four years, but I am also a realist and that did not happen, so here we are.  We must move forward and look ahead at life as it is happening.  Biden is already going on a writing spree changing many and eventually most of Trump's executive orders.  The first one was to stop some oil pipeline to Alaska.  From the left, I guess that may sound good, let's protect the moose and wolves, but on the other, if it is in process and now you've cut 10,000 jobs and lost the American people over two billion dollars in salaries, while we are still in a pandemic, you are already looking foolish.  This is very harmful for the men and families who have headed to the north to do this kind of work, which in freezing weather is going to be brutal at best, but to just stop work and find yourself suddenly unemployed after taking a risk and making the move to hostile lands (yes, Alaska in winter is hostile to me) is the worst way to handle this.  It is bad enough that Congress keeps dragging its feet to hand out money to people that can't work, add these 10,000 workers to the unemployed list.

    My brother was just telling me about Biden overturning the rule allowing boys who identify as girls to play in girls sports.  This means that girls will now routinely be playing against "girls with a penis" and trying to act like they are equal.  No offense, girls and women can be great and I have a whole crew of women I work that I consider my equals but when it comes to doing physical activity or sacrificing of ones own body, men or boys will do some completely risky behaviors once testosterone takes over and that is an advantage women cannot overcome.  If played out to its conclusion and by law, outside forces cannot be involved, any trans competitor is going to get whatever scholarship would have gone to said girl.  Consider sports like track, basketball, volleyball, swimming, and any other where strength and/or stamina are compared and the trans athlete will be at a huge advantage, so they are in danger of that sport becoming a boys-lite version.  I don't think it is being dramatic to say that girls sports were basically just destroyed.  In a normal world you could argue that trans people are still very rare, but just like it used to be rare to see people all tattooed or girls with jello colored hair, once something is found to make you special, a lot of attention deficit people flock to these things as a form of creating a personality or using it to make them feel special.

    Not trying to be an asshole, but both these changes don't affect me directly, if this is what the geniuses on the left think is best for America, we kind of have to go along with it.  I won't be surprised if we are back to paying $3 and $4 a gallon for gas within the year.  Again, this sucks and hurts the poor the most, but that is what the majority of America wanted, so be it.

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