Tuesday, January 26, 2021

1/26/21 Getting Back On My Diet?

     I kind of had the discussion with my mom and brother about "dieting", he doesn't like the word, per say.  I know it's not the best way to describe what we are doing, but "eating better" sounds kind of douche-y to me.  I put on so much weight over the last month, I don't even want to say, but I am going to say it's not all my fault.  I fully intended to take the two weeks of Christmas off and just enjoy whatever came in front of me, as far as food goes.  I hate going to my folks and in-laws and have them worry about what we can and can't eat, I don't like being a nuisance that way, but the reality is that we are home most of the time.  Then right as I was going to get back on track, I got the 'rona and that had me locked up in my room for another two weeks, so I have been off the diet over a month and probably put on 25 pounds, but I was really bad the last two weeks.  I couldn't leave the room and I found myself waking up to coffee and some cake or cookies, then some plate of breakfast, usually three tacos with egg and something, then later in the day a lunch or dinner and throughout the day chips, nuts, and whatever else they brought into my room.  I knew all of this was bad, but when you are stuck in a prison cell, it seems like the only thing to do is eat and sleep.

    It is now Tuesday and I just finished eating lunch with Mijo here at home.  I love the notion that I can fire up that pellet grill, and thirty minutes later be eating a grilled steak.  Part of the reason the grocery bill is consistently over $300 is because I usually get a pair of NY strips, ribeyes, sirloins, some burger patties and then maybe some chicken or pork for the two of us, apart from what we eat as a family on the weekends.  I love having my son home, it helps that he is a homebody and doesn't really miss the school atmosphere, he has gotten used to online learning.  I don't know that grilling for me alone will be as satisfying when we go back to normal and he returns to school.

    But for now, I ate my lunch yesterday and then just the routine of work and stuff kept me busy the rest of the day.  I showered, ran to the bank, took him to school to pick up some paperwork, stopped to get him Bill Miller at 5:00pm, then headed to work.  Before I knew it, it was 2:30am and I came home, ate some winnies with some cheese and went to bed.  Staying busy definitely helps in the not eating process.  My brother worries that the weight will come back once I get off the "diet", but I don't really want to change back to eating all the carbs, it is just easier while I was sick and you have to enjoy egg nog and all the Christmas goodies while it's the holidays..  The only thing I do miss is pizza, but we have a low carb version we eat at Mod Pizza and that works for me.  I don't think we will be getting off the routine of how we eat for a few months, maybe in the summer when and if we go to Florida for the Disney parks, if Covid will just go away.

    Maybe it will take me a month, but I'll get back to the 350s and continue working on myself, this was not a setback, it was me being sick.  I felt so much better at the lower weight, that in itself is motivation enough to get back on it. I want to approach 300 by the summer, so I have my goals set, now to just shut up and do it.

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