Saturday, January 23, 2021

1/24/21 Having A Hard Time Rejoining Society?

     Saturday was the 10th or 11th day since I got Covid-19, so I should be safe to come out of the room per all the CDC papers, my worksite nurse, and even Wife's rules which she mostly wrote and follow the protocols set by TEA or whoever is in charge of schools, but it wasn't good enough for Boy or Sweetie.  Not wanting to be the infection point for my kids, even when all of science says I should be fine, I avoided hanging outside of my room in the rest of the house.  Wife, however, got the good idea that getting out of the house would be good for me.  I got up around 10:30am, drank my coffee, Wife made breakfast tacos which we ate in our bedroom.  Afterwards, we got dressed and went out for a cruise around town.

    I hate being reminded how much I hate people, at one intersection we very much had the green light, but some idiot Mexican in his shitty $100 car about spun out trying to turn onto out street where we were going a solid 30 or so, he turned and almost came over into our lane and then proceeded to speed, Wife honked at him, because she's kind of an idiot hot head too.  The guy honked back and then slowed down, I thought great, I finally get out of the house and now I'm gonna get shot for no reason.  I saw him roll his window down and turn to face us as we came up on the light, sucked that I already had my window down because I thought it would be good to breath fresh air and not have Wife breath my air with the windows up.  Luckily, the cars never really lined up, as I passed him, I stared at him and just waved like "sorry Bro."  He stared back, tiny guy, and maybe just decided to forget what his bad idea was going to be.  Wife is kind of like a chihuahua, she barks and honks and you know, like the short friend that drinks beer and wants to start shit.  She has always been like that, I hate it because if it ever goes sour, I will be the one facing her consequences, guys don't normally hit women, even loudmouthed ones.  The guy saw a hole in the traffic and just sped off, I was annoyed with Wife, but it's not like it's the first time.

    After this, I told her to just drive like it's a Sunday drive and chill out, we drove around Austin and then headed to the outlet mall.  Wife was obsessed with the idea of getting my niece a gift because my brother is always good about getting our boys a nice gift.  We went to the Coach outlet and I guess I am not used to shopping anymore.  All these tiny little purses and wristlets she was looking at I wouldn't pay more than $50 for were all priced over $200 and even more.  I guess it is by design because most everything was 60% off but I still didn't enjoy looking at the prices.  It was even worse at Burberry where the smallest of wallets for females were over $200.  Once Wife chose a gift she asked if I wanted to look around in some of the other name brand stores and I said no.  It used to be fun to shop for Boy, but he is buying his own stuff now and depressingly, he seems to prefer shopping at thrift stores.  Baby A has never cared for nice clothes, so it is really hard to try to shop for him, plus he keeps growing.  I told him today he looked a lot bigger and he jumped on the scale and he is up in the 255 pound range.  He was at 230 or so a couple months ago, I am hoping it is a growth spurt.

    I couldn't wait to get back home, but we stopped to get some pies at a little pie shop in Buda, the vibe of the downtown area felt perfect, I liked that there weren't 1000 people walking around.  Maybe being home so much is making more of a recluse, I was really happy to just get home and back in my prison cell.  I may actually get serious about moving farther west, I am not a fan of shitty looking beaners eyeballing me because they think they own the road.  If the liberals are going to let the city fall to reckless assholes, we will move our asses where they can't afford to be, fuck 'em.

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