Sunday, January 31, 2021

1/31/21 Revisit Gremlins On TV With Baby A?

     We have been occasionally watching old movies that we consider important or that were big hits with Baby A if not for their entertainment value but to fill in the holes when we make some obscure reference or quote from said movies.  This has been almost more fun for Wife and I because Mijo is not like Boy, this one tells you exactly what is going through his mind as the thought comes.  Boy could be on fire and it would take him a few minutes to eventually say "maybe I need some water, if you don't mind."  I love my boys but they are very different.

    Last night we finally watched Gremlins which Wife had recorded sometime around Thanksgiving.  First, it was weird with all the Christmas commercials, we hardly even watch regular TV anymore, it seems quaint that the movie stops to go to commercial every ten minutes, I guess it's what Youtube does on its longer videos.  We did enjoy the breaks since we were eating our dinner, then washing the dishes, I even made a low carb chocolate brownie to eat with some low carb ice cream towards the end of the movie, the commercials worked for me.

    The movie does not really hold up, and our son let us know from the beginning.  The father going down into the basement shop in Chinatown, Mijo was already "No! No! No! You don't go down some weird hiding place with some kid that is dragging you off the street, what the hell!"  He was then not impressed with Billy, the protagonist kid.  He already seems overwhelmed with life, with going to school and working to help support the family.  Taking the dog to work and hiding it under his teller's booth seems far fetched too.  Wife was trying to say how cute Gizmo, the mogwai creature at the center of this story, is, but Mijo was not having any of that.  He never liked Furbies or any little furry creature toys and he certainly found no charm in Gizmo.  I have to admit he looked very mechanical, the whole nose and mouth section looked plastic, in today's high production value animatronics.  Our son was then yelling at the TV about the three simple rules and why would the idiot kid eat on the bed so close to the mogwai if he can't get wet, why allow the other kid so close with his glass of juice and he certainly didn't like Striper even before he turned into a gremlin.  The idea that the scientist would be in the lab, in a high school, at 2:30am was also ridiculous and after seeing it appear out of thin air, why wasn't he calling other scientists?  Why were there classes on Christmas Eve?  All this before the gremlins even started their mayhem.

    I think towards the end it just gets ridiculous and we just stopped judging the things that wouldn't or couldn't happen and we enjoyed what the movie was trying to do, somehow showing that gremlins are real and not just something "crazy people", like Billy's neighbor, talk about to explain when things go wrong.  It is absurd that the gremlins understand electric circuits for city streets, know what guns do, learn how to pronounce words as they go along, but there we were along for the ride.  Baby A took a little pleasure in watching the gremlins all die, but he didn't really think Gizmo should be so protected as he was the cause of all the trouble, he should probably have been exterminated too.

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