Tuesday, January 19, 2021

1/19/21 Criminals Are The Worst?

     I have been stuck in my room for a week now, thanks to Covid-19.  Today, I got on a string of Bait Car videos, which are cars set up by police in shady neighborhoods which promptly get stolen by mental midgets and then they get caught and arrested.  The idea is so simple you wouldn't think it would work, but dammit, never underestimate the stupidity of people.  I saw probably 10-15 videos and in only one of them did one of the guys convince the robber to return the stuff and not take anything.  This only because the good guy had just been preyed upon recently and he kept telling his friend it wasn't cool to come out and have your stuff missing.  The friend kept saying "but it's his fault, he left the car unlocked, someone should take his stuff."  What a shitty way to go through life.

    I couldn't help but sit back and hate on all the fucking cretins which are basically the same person, when Bill Burr (comedian) says we have too many of you, he means this type of person, zero value adding to the whole of society.  In all the scenarios, it is the same thing, a pair of people, in most it was a couple, take control of a car on the street and proclaim this is the height of existence ("this is the best thing I've ever done", "This is awesome.").  Really, taking something you never worked for is the best thing you've ever done?  Wow.  In all the videos, the secondary thing is to whoop and holler about the loose change in the car, like $5 is a big deal and a laptop which will be sold promptly is just the cherry on top.  It must be a way of life for these assholes, as soon as they break in a car, they are on the phone trying to sell laptops or anything else of value, I guess these must be junkies needing to make money for their drug habit.

    To these people, that run down car might mean a night of fun, fuck it if they crash it, to the person it was taken from, it can be devastating if they are trying to be responsible and this car is the means by which they get to work, fuck the criminals, they should loose a finger if not a whole hand for doing this.  I hate the jerks who took the car, say "be cool man" and then they are doing donuts out in a field.  You are fucking up a car that isn't yours, possible crops for a farmer, and then when you get caught, you're going to cry like it was all a mistake, fuck you!  

    We had Wife's car broken into when we first got married living in a shittier part of town and it sucked.  We lost a glass window, and the whole dashboard was messed up so they could take the stereo which was a shitty Toyota radio with a cassette deck, not even CD player.  That 4Runner (it was old, not a new fancy one) was never the same and we got rid of it shortly after.  When you are starting life as a young and poor couple this can be devastating, fine take the radio, but it still cost us money and time to repair the glass and the dashboard, not that these fucking animals ever think of the trail of devastation they leave behind.  I have no fucks to give for these assholes, I wish they would get shot on site.

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