Wednesday, January 20, 2021

1/20/21 What Happens Now?

     This is the day we had been fearing, I hope the concern is all just made up hyperbole and we just ride a centrist line in the real world.  I had never cared about getting involved in politics and the minute I did, it turned into a wild and crazy ride.  I went from identifying as a liberal to the conservative side pretty quickly, I found the whole year of 2020 a disgusting example of what not to do.  When children throw a tantrum (the rioters all summer), somebody should have spanked their asses.  Instead, the democrats openly encouraged it, vice president Kamala set up a fund to bail out the idiots.  This is to become the new normal, we give in to crowd demands, I thought we didn't negotiate with terrorists.  All this was done to undermine the presidency, including the horrible way Dr. Fauci, our brave leader in fighting Covid-19, pretending like he didn't know anything about the whereabouts of the vaccine days before the election, only to be at the front and ready with the announcement post Biden "winning."

    Maybe us conservatives got taken for a ride, maybe it won't be so bad.  Maybe letting in 11,000 new Hondurans and Guatemalans is what the country needs.  I have a narrow minded way of looking at things, maybe they are bringing jobs with them.  Apparently, all the homeless living on our streets is not a problem, these new people can just spread out and ruin more parks and green spaces while they figure out a plan for their future.  I say ruin because I am a taxpayer who expects to get something out of my taxes for myself, I guess providing beautiful parks for junkies to destroy is part of my social contract I somehow agreed to when I moved to Austin.

    Even though I have personally been the most excited that Trump didn't get us into a new conflict in the middle east, maybe that isn't good for the industrial military complex.  I am sure the democrats know better and we will soon start killing more brown people to liberate them, like King George said in Hamilton "I will send a fully armed battalion to kill your friends and family to remind you of my love."  When it is a democrat doing it, looking at you Iran, it will not be warmongering, but spreading democracy. 

    Don't worry, they are working hard to shut every conservative up, that is a great plan, kind of like dictators of the past, if you only hear one side of the argument, that must be the only side and the right side.  Maybe it will be better to just line up behind the left and maybe socialism will be the best way to go.  We have so much because both Wife and I went to college, started from nothing, sacrificed to get a small home, then slowly moved up to a larger home, but I guess the high school dropouts who work 2-3 days a week deserve a house just like mine, why not?  That is how socialism works, it makes us all the same.  Maybe I have pushed too hard for too much, maybe I should have settled for less a long time ago.  We'll see what transpires, wither way, we deserve it, as the Facebook idiots always say.

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