Saturday, January 23, 2021

1/23/21 Tenth Day Check In With Covid-19?

     I am not totally sure how we count the days, but it is now Saturday and according to Wife I am past ten days of quarantine so I should be able to come out of my room.  Last night I stood one foot outside the door of my bedroom, I like leaning against the stair rails there to see what is going on in the house.  It was technically after midnight so I was technically according to Wife, free to roam, as long as I wear my mask.  I was attacked within a minute, every time I have opened the door to ask for water or food, I get yelled back in the room by everyone.  At first I was a little pissed and upset because if the science says it is ok then shut up and let me be, but then I thought "it doesn't hurt me to wait a couple more days and the only ones I could be hurting are my own boys.  Sweetie got in a panic too, but she already had it in the summer, I know people have gotten it more than once, but to me she should have some antibodies in her body already.  She does say that she is still suffering from the effects, so I guess I see where she is coming from.

    I guess I was either lucky or I planned and prepared just right.  When the virus first came out, I literally cried on one of the days back in March.  I thought I was going to die, the news was pretty stern and confident that it kills the old and the fat, and I was carelessly walking around at over 430 pounds.  Once I got my shit together, Wife and I both got on a diet and since we weren't eating out, we did good and lost a bunch of weight. By Christmas, I was down to around 350 and feeling much better about everything, I have even been feeling like I don't get sleepy all the time like I was before all this.  Along with eating better and losing weight, Baby A and I started regularly taking a vitamin pill perfect for the day.  I got the pills because I want him to have as much calcium as possible since he doesn't like being short, for a lineman, but the pills also have zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin D, all have shown to be helpful in reducing the effects of Covid.  I also tried my hardest to either work out, get on the treadmill, or go outside and do something physical for a bit every day.

    I am not saying anything I did saved my life, but I do think I went forward with a positive attitude and did what I could to strengthen myself for the day I got it.  I was sure it would happen because I think everyone is going to get it, unless the vaccine can pick up speed and move through the population faster than the virus.  Lucky or well prepared, I have had the mildest symptoms, basically congestion, loss of smell and loss of taste.  If not for this being a pandemic, I would have thought it curious that I couldn't smell and I wouldn't have even missed work.  I should be able to go back next week and it will be good to get back to my routine.  There are little periods that I like being home in bed stretched out and being lazy, but for the most part I just feel like I am going to rot, my back hurts if I lay in bed too long, my legs hurt of I sit on the chairs too long, my neck hurts because I am on the computer all day.  I just wish everyone experienced Covid like I did, it didn't seem like much, I know that a lot of people have died and probably more than that have been through horrible ordeals in hospitals.  I am a little scared of the vaccine but I also have hope that it will put this chapter to rest.

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