Thursday, January 7, 2021

1/7/21 I Was Really Excited To See A Kraken?

     I should have known better, when the government decides on a narrative, then caries it out, it becomes monumental to even think about changing things, even with proof and common sense.  After the election, which I even came out of my cave to vote for Trump, only the second time I have bothered to vote, not that it mattered, Trump alleged there was a lot of voter fraud.  I am not one to go nuts on insisting I am right or that my side should always, but I actually saw enough to believe that perhaps Trump was not just talking shit.  First and foremost, Trump had a massive following, people that love him, do so fanatically.  He has something about him that is very polarizing, you either love him or hate him, he is not a real politician, he carries his emotions on his sleeves and he is not shy about sharing his thoughts.  I learned to love this about him.  When he first said Africa was full of Shithole countries, I was still holding onto my liberal flag, but putting some thought into it, who can disagree with that?  The peasants may be decent people, but most of those countries are run by dictators and they claim to be the location where humans started, why are they still running around starving and undeveloped?

    Trump has a way of just saying what is on his mind, but I guess people that hate him prefer to be lied to with a serpent's tongue and a suave demeanor.  Biden is probably not a bad guy, but compared to Trump, he routinely fumbles his thoughts and sentences, he is a man in decline, but fuck, he has been in Congress almost fifty years, give it a rest, ass.  Maybe your old ass should introduce term limits for all these Senators who act like they are our royalty.  He could also never pull in a crowd like Trump did on a daily basis, his rallies barely filled a parking lot full of people in their cars, don't tell me this turned into enough energy for him to get over 81 million votes.  I have yet to see anyone excited about Biden's plans for his presidency.  Anytime random people are asked "why did you choose Biden?"  The stupid answer is "he is not Trump."  That answer is so delicious, I just know it will come back and bite these delusional children in the ass.

    My brother claims that the Kraken is larger than Trump, that plenty of evidence is still coming for other devious acts going on, and Youtube still has stories of people that are going to do this and that, but I don't see the narrative changing.  These same assholes on CNN and all the other main stream media turned a blind eye to the violence during the summer of buildings burning and violence brought unto the police officers insisting it was all a peaceful protest.  One afternoon of the same happening from the right in support of Trump, and the same media people are crying on camera going on with how the fabric of society is falling and how appalling what they are seeing on television.  Get over yourselves, one window was broken, the building is still standing.  A woman got shot for storming up a stairwell, she wasn't attacking one of our lords in there, this kill was unnecessary, but I get it.  They should have done this with the people looting and rioting for months on end all summer, but that served a different purpose.

    Oh well, I am still in Texas and even though Austin swings very liberal, we are still in a red state, so I feel somewhat safe for now.  Before I get too old, I might have to move for my sanity, and how high can the valuation of my house and the taxes we pay get?  But for now, let them eat cake, the liberals can have their way, give more of our money to the unemployables, send our money out to undeserving countries, slowly more and more people are seeing the truth.

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