Monday, January 11, 2021

1/12/21 Finally Went Out To A Nice Restaurant Meal? (part 1 of 2)

     Ever since March of last year when we were put into quarantine and all the Covid-19 shenanigans started, we had been real good and stayed away from going out to eat at restaurants.  We used to eat out pretty much 5-6 days out of the week, if you count the Bill Millers and Whataburgers for lunch Baby A and I did.  We were no strangers to trying new restaurants in town, it's kind of what we did for fun, we are fat people after all.  Then we learned to quarantine which made us more homebodies, the boys got me the pellet grill, which made me want to grill all my meals and now I usually do, even during the week.  Once you break the cycle, it gets hard to do something, I started comparing the cost of a meal out of the house versus what it costs to eat at home, and I really don't want to eat out anymore.  Then life happens.

    While we were working on the fence a couple weeks ago, DD mentioned it was going to be his birthday, on the 11th of January, and he wanted to go eat fancy and he was thinking of Estancia Churrascaria, the Brazilian restaurant.  He just mentioned it as a sort of invite and said he was telling his friends and sisters, but if we wanted to go, it would be cool.  I had been talking to Wife about going, even my family had talked about doing it in San Antonio, but there was not really any follow up.  I told him we would love to go, but only if his friends fall through, I don't want to be some weird old couple sitting with a bunch of twenty something kids out on the town.  A couple days later he said his coworkers and a couple other friends thought it was too expensive and they said no, we said if you want us to join, it would be great.  He seemed happy about it and said his girlfriend had bought a sexy dress and he was going to go out and buy a jacket and vest, they were going to dress up.  I got into it and Boy and Sweetie said they would be joining us, so I told Boy to break out a nice jacket, we were going to do this right.  He is always ready to dress up, he loves his jackets and ties.  Baby A was a little more of a challenge, he hasn't really bought clothes in over a year, he is doing home schooling, so we haven't bothered.  He has basically two new suit jackets he maybe wore once last year and I told him to take one out and it did not fit his husky ass.  The boy has thickened up all over, from his arms to his back to even his waist, it just did not fit.  Luckily, he has his gaudy, loud red dinner jacket, which he loves, and it fit him over a black button down dress shirt and some nice black jeans.  I was able to find suit pants in my closet that hadn't fit for awhile, that now fit again, and a grey dress shirt that I maybe wore once before, which worked nicely with a checkerboard black and grey tie which I had bought last year for my concert before Covid shut everything down.  The last piece was Wife and Sweetie, but gals always seem to have something decent to wear, that is part of being them.

    So the stage was set and we had a dinner time of 7:00pm.  To be con't....

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