Thursday, January 14, 2021

1/15/21 The 'Rona Got Me?

     Goddammit, is about all I can say.  Corona, Covid-19, Wuflu, whatever we are calling the pandemic virus finally mowed me down.  It is weird how I was able to stave it off for so long, all of 2020, only to get it while the vaccine is moseying in on the scene.  I am not trying to be disrespectful, I know many have died and a lot more have been hospitalized by this mysterious virus that seems to have a different behavior for everyone.  When we were first quarantined back in March last year, I was really scared, I had a little breakdown with Wife, I cried like a little girl convinced that it was just a matter of time before it killed me, the news couldn't stop saying it seems to kill old people and fat people.  As time went on, the data seemed to suggest that only a very tiny amount of the population were affected and when there were younger people that died, they always seemed to have other issues, like asthma, or diabetes.  I got my shit together and lost a good seventy pounds, which I hope helped, and basically awaited for my turn to get it.

    I didn't plan on getting it, I just figured it was going to happen at one point or another.  First off, DD goes out dancing every other weekend, so there is an opportunity, Baby A played football, which is like dancing, an extracurricular activity we chose to allow, Boy has gone to Dallas a couple times, and has his friends over once in a while, we go to work, and HEB and a couple times we have even visited with our folks.  All these things are what make us humans, having interactions, and we had curtailed it a lot, but we can't be expected to live in fear with no end in sight when we start noticing that 99.5% of people survive this virus.  My family liked to post every time somebody gets added to the list of positive infections in their hometown.  I just kept thinking "but did you die?"  Wife makes a big deal about students at her school getting it, but kids are barely affected.  The media doesn't want to say it, but it is very much like the flu, it spreads easily and everyone can get it.  Old people die all the time from the regular flu, nobody is crying for quarantine to fight it.

    As far as me having it, I wouldn't even know it if it wasn't for my loss of smell and taste, which because of the media histrionics, I knew pretty much I was probably going to test positive.  I honestly just feel guilty for not going to work, I always think it will be fun to play hooky and stay home, but in isolation, even my boys were pressuring me to get in my room and close the door, there is nothing fun to being locked up.  Luckily, I am on my 2nd full day of testing positive, and I haven't even had muscle aches or any other flu symptoms.  We have a laser thermometer which reads our temperature, and I have maintained a constant 97.5, so even the door check they do at work seems kind of useless.  Hopefully, this is as bad as I get, I can use the time to clean my room, we have piles and piles of old paperwork from every time  I pay the bills, I keep the paper as proof of payment.  I will probably clean all that out, for starters.

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